Sharlene asked Frankie to accompany her to Gregory's grave. She went every week — just to talk, she said. But, it was getting harder and harder, she confessed, to throw words into the empty air. Frankie was happy to make whatever minor contribution she could. And, because she couldn't bear to leave her for too long right now, Frankie brought Lori Ann to the cemetery with her.
The little girl seemed delighted with the sunset bouncing off the polished headstones, as well as the colorful selection of flowers Sharlene allowed her to pull a few petals off of before reverentially placing the bouquet under the chiseled inscription: Gregory John Hudson 1991-2010. Sleep on now, and take your rest. Matthew 26:45
Seeing the epitaph for the first time, Frankie noted, "That's nice. Your idea?"
"Donna's actually, if you can believe it. I'm amazed her tongue didn't catch fire quoting a bible verse. But, she suggested it to John and he told me and.... Gregory fought so long and so hard, Frankie. If anyone deserves to rest in peace...." "I think that's the first time I've heard you acknowledge how hard he did fight. Until he just couldn't do it anymore."
Frankie and Sharlene commiserate over the similarity of their situations, Jamie pleads with Morgan and Felicia to reconsider their stance on Lorna, Marley and Grant cocoon within their web of lies, Jen makes a confession to Steven about Hudson, and Kevin has a proposition for Lila.
All at: http://www.anotherworldtoday.com/2010/2010_84p1.html
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