Monday, November 17, 2008


A few days ago we were asked for preview photos of Thanksgiving in Oakdale.

Your wish, as always, is our command:

Only next week, only on As The World Turns.


Mark said...

Yep! I was the one who asked for Thanksgiving pics. Thanks!

Soap Lover said...

I'm "thankful" for your Thanksgiving pics. :)

Although, I would love to see a pic that includes Janet (and Parker, Liberty and JJ - if they are present at the Snyders Thanksgiving) from this episode also.

schiffeg68 said...

YAY....Love seeing Paul at the Snyder Farm with his wife. Looking forward to this. Thank you for the pictures.

WorldTurner said...

Thanks for the Thanksgiving pics! Love seeing Jack and Carly together at Thanksgiving and no sign of Janet! Where are Parker and JJ?

truefan said...

Thank for the pitcures Mark. I am so glad Paul and Meg are spending Thanksgiving togather. That is going to be a great show.

Mark said...

Nancyd, I think the woman in the background of the second pic might be Janet...

Anonymous said...

Great to see that Luke and Noah are together at Thanksgiving. I was a bit worried they would be apart this Thanksgiving.

Where is Janet? J.J.? Liberty? Parker?

Anonymous said...

And yet MORE Snyders & Maul (I see Paul is an official Snyder now, gag me!). ATWT is now the Snyders show= 1.7 ratings. Why not Paul&Emily photos (and not the murder scene of their little girl that you love to slap Pem fans with)? Or Casey? Or Bonnie, Derek, Susan, Bob, Kim?

Only here you ask for Nuke photos and get MORE Maul. Then Alina lies and says that it was a big hit. What a joke!

Oakdalian said...

My wish, as always, is for the Hughes family to have a proper holiday at their own homestead. But, as always, that probably won't happen. How about the Stewarts? They're a family too, you know.

Mark said...

Oakdalian, there's a spoiler about Emily not welcome at the Hughes Thanksgiving dinner. So maybe we will see the Hughes family too!

Scarlett Echo said...

Oh, lovely. Yet another Snyderville Thanksgiving.

TomarCarjack said...

Yeah... I'm hoping to see pics of the Hughes family over Snyderville any day! I mean, I love the old hubbard squash & all, but really - when did ATWT become Snyders through the ages??? ::thud::

Anonymous said...

LOL I see all the Snyder haters from the TeleNext board have crawled out from under their rocks. They want it to be all Tom and Margo, all the time otherwise they foam at the mouth. Thankfully it is not, or this show would be a complete snoozefest.

Take a deep breath people, I'm sure we will see the Hughes family and the Stewart family as well. These are just a few still photos.

RHFan said...

What beautiful pictures. It will certainly make for a very special Thanksgiving for all! Paul and Meg look great!

Thanks for the pics.

Sarah Saad said...