Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Which trio will prevail?

Find out, only on Guiding Light.


Southern said...

I think I know which three will prevail, but Rafe will be thrown in, too. A happy family of four!

Kim said...

Hmm... I thought Frank was supposed to interrupt Otalia at the church not the school... hmm...

Thank you for the pics!!!

I'm glad we're coming back to the family dynamic of taking Emma to school and apparently church

suzysak said...

Thanks so much for posting these. Is it Wednesday yet? Can't wait.

Collins said...

man. frank. i feel for you dude. and so does nat. but you have never looked more sad and pathetic than you do in that middle picture.

as for which trio with prevail. my monies of the two mommies and the jellybean.

thanks for posting these pics. is it wednesday yet, indeed.

Unknown said...

Can't wait!!! We demand more torture! I want to channel Dinah...'Arrest me'

logan1060 said...

I love the middle pic. You can almost hear them saying "we werent touching. Nothing to see here."

Tallis said...

Poor Frank. But Viva Otalia! GL is so awesome!

Heather said...

The third one, the third one! Can't wait to see the jellybean and her two mommies together on Thursday.

Simone said...

Thanks for these pics! It's only a matter of time for Otalia, now. I wish today was Wednesday.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the pics! I think the two mommies will prevail. And the family of four will eventually ne happay and whole. Looks like Natalia took off Frank's ring. I sure hope so!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the spoiler pics :)

I think Frank finally gets a clue huh??

the funky monkey said...

Thanks for the pics! I'm really loving the last one.:)

Amidola said...

I'm so excited!!!!!!!!

Jen said...

The real family in those pictures is clearly Olivia, Natalia, and Emma! Really looking forward to the continuation of this storyline, at CBS and in the new home that I sincerely hope GL gets!

Anonymous said...

I believe I know the answer to that question. Well, I hope I do.

Because really, every other option makes me mad and when I'm mad I'm also hard to deal with!

Just kidding! The story of Olivia and Natalia falling in love made me all innocent and sweet.

Thank you for the spoiler pics!

jordan said...

The Spencer-Rivera family will prevail!

Unknown said...

These just amp the withdraw shakes im currently suffering. Otalia (and their love glue) will DEFINITELY prevail and Frank will find himself a nice woman (i'm looking at you, Blake) that will love him fully.

This is a great s/l and I can't wait to see what else do the writers throw at us.

Thank you for posting these!

Donna Pool said...

Thanks for the pictures!

justbu2 said...

Love the warmth conveyed in Pic 3. Neither DNA nor a marriage certificate is required to be a family. Hopefully Rafe will retract his previous statement and become an official big brother.

Unknown said...

I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the last picture (Olivia, Natalia, Emma!!!) ... nothing against Frank, but it clearly isn't THERE between he and Natalia.

I think Rafe will be an obstacle for them at first but eventually he will come around. :)

So --- My call is for Olivia, Natalia, Emma, and Rafe FTW!

P.S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
P.S. said...

I'm going with Door Number 4, Johnny. Two mommies, rafe, and the jellybean. Life is so good in GL land these days. I love this show. Thank you for giving us sufficient time to recover from the angst overload of last week before hitting us with these pics. Bring on the hand holding! And, to channel Buzz, "Oh, Frank."

eli said...

The powerful third picture pretty much says it all...

Anonymous said...

Love these pics! Thanks for keeping us updated on what's coming up next.
The pic of Olivia, Natalia and Emma is really cute! I'm so glad GL is going full steam ahead with this storyline!

DJ Bixby said...

please don't let me think about the implications of pic #2. I think i may have thrown up a little.

Pic #3 for the win!

annahgrrl said...

Man, Frank and his gosh-darned timing...he's always showing up at the worst times. I'm here hoping that ends soon, and we can enjoy the new family Olivia&Natalia and their love glue.

I just get giddy at the thought of Otalia navigating their way through this new, different, and loving relationship. VIVA OTALIA!

wheelswee said...

Please let Frank find REAL love. He doesn't need Natalia. If I were him I'd send Rafe back to prison so fast Natalia's head would be spinning.

Debbie said...

Thanks for the pics. My money is on Otalia prevailing. They will be a family with Emma and Rafe. I can't wait for those scenes this week.

avidonfan said...

I love the series of Pictures.. so much to look forward to this week!!!

The trio of WIN is of course

Otalia-bean!!! That is my new name for the family... Otalia-bean... Love it!

roxyforotalia said...

Thanks for the pics. Otalia family of four for the win.

teachersvlw said...

Otalia and the Bean !!!!


uncoatedmusings said...

Thank you for the pics!

I wish Frank would stop interrupting our Otalia moments!!! I'm already having seizures from wanting it to happen.



Steph said...

Team Otalia and Jellybean FTW!
Poor Frank. Sorry dude! Wake up and get a clue! Thanks for the pics!

Katie said...

Which trio will prevail? Natalia, Olivia, and Emma, of course! :D

Thank you for the beautiful pictures. It makes the wait for tomorrow slightly more bearable!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for these pics!!!!!!!

Damn Frank keeps interrupting the Otalia love ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the pics.
In the first picture it looks like Natalia has taken off Frank's engagement ring. I hope he notices..maybe that will give him a much needed hint.

Unknown said...

go away frank

Aquila said...

Emma's school Frank? Isn't the stalking getting a bit much? ;-)

Thanks for the pics, can't wait for tomorrow.

Michele said...

Thanks for the pics. Looks like the engagement ring is off of Nat's finger in the first pic.

inthesky87 said...

Thank you for posting these. I feel like a drug addict waiting for my next fix. I can't wait for Wed.

Bonnie said...

Wonderful photos! I have saved the one of Nat, Olivia and Emma holding hands as my desktop background. Thank you so much for posting these! Otalia = LOVE! xxx

Kate said...

You know I suspect it's going to be Nat, Olivia and Emma. But uhm... are you suggesting something about Frank, Olivia and Natalia? Because I know I'm not ready for that on a soap.

contessa said...

Thank You for the pics. I love them all! Interruptions, interruptions, interruptions!!!! Frank, Frank, Frank!! We are still stapped into the roller coaster. This is a great ride!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pics. PGP is fantastic. Can`t wait until tomorrow. Otalia. We.Want.It

Unknown said...

Awesome photos once again! thanks!! Love the happy threesome outside of Emma's school! They are made for each other.. Frankie interrupting hand sex though in the school.. darn him!!

Stewart-Wade said...

Oh, I think we all know which trio will prevail! Thanks for the pics, can we get more if we hit 100comments again? The Big Purple Army is 3000+ strong as of today so I bet we can do it!

DJ Shiva. said...

Handholdus interruptus.

Do these two ever get a moment alone?

Thx for posting these!!

Digital Marketing Doctor said...

Olivia & Natalia Rivera-Spencer


Phoenix11 said...

Thanks for posting these pics!

I definitely will take the ladies for the win!

I'm just wondering when we're gonna love Frank again?! Cause with the constant interruptus, it ain't happening!

tngolfergirl said...

Liv*Nat*Emma*Rafe FTW of course

& eeewww I can't even think about that 2nd pic "prevailing"

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the pictures, we appreciate it. I am so ready for Frank to be outta this storyline. His knack for ruining Otalia moments is extremely irritating. I think the picture of Emma, Liv, and Nat will prevail. But the other half of the Otalia luv glue (Rafe) will also be involved.

Unknown said...

Otalia and Jellybean FTW ! :) Rafe could join as well, if he promises to behave :)
Thanks for the pictures, I'm looking forward to the next episode. The story gets better and better, I have no words to describe how positively surprised I am every day. They handle the religion issue very well too.

Unknown said...

Frank actually looks suspicious in that pic--could he be getting a clue?

Unknown said...

Yeah Emma, cheer up your two mommies, they surely need some laughter.

Unknown said...

Frank? Getting a Clue? No way,
he's probably preparing to take care of Nat after telling her that Rafe has to go away..

Nibbs said...

Thanks for the pics.
I know the answer to this its pic no 3 for the win!

Unknown said...

Are they outside the farmhouse on the first picture?

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting these pics! I have been on the edge of my seat since Friday (I actually wanted my weekend to go by faster) and cannot wait for tomorrow.

Nimbus Rogue said...

Why oh why does Frank go to Emma's school play?

Love the last pic :) Thank you for these!

Unknown said...

Is there really any choice...uh, and don't forget Rafe will make four. but yes, number 3, because only love can save the world!

critter01 said...

After this drought of no Otalia for, what, 4 days, I am so glad to see some spoiler pics. Thanks!! And there is no doubt in my mind who prevails. Loving the journey.

Melanie said...

Awww, Natalia and Emma have matching coats. Clearly their little trio is made of win.

kaykay said...

I was going through a little Otalia withdrawal after a full week last week..and nothing thus far this week. Thanks for the spoiler pics...you gave me a fixx!

hoodedgamer said...

Otalia all the way!!!

24 said...

Thx for the new pics...What's skank doing? lol's...so lookin forward to wed. and thursday's ep's. Let's get on with the hand holding :)

egolf63 said...

Thanks for the pictures. Is there any question the trio is Otalia & Jellybean. P.S. P&G please find GL a new home. Bad enough have to wait 5 days to see Otalia again, but never again after 9/18/09.

CherGL said...

Ummm...Pic #3 wins the prize :)

Great pics, thank you!

Denisebella said...

Viva Otalia!

Ciao Frank!

Rikita said...

It sure looks like Nat's about to punch Frank for walking in on an Otalia moment. I wouldn't mess with Nat. I hear she's a killer.

Unknown said...

Hahaha, Rikita, you're right! I haven't noticed it til now :) funny

Tanzania said...

Oh, we all know it's the Spencer-Rivera clan for the win. My question is why does Frank have that expression on his face in the first two photos? Does he know yet?

amandaln977 said...

The prevailing trio will soon turn into the prevailing quad with rafe! Poor Frank, he just keeps on showing up everywhere doesn't he?

Thank you so much for the pictures...can't wait until tomorow!

crazyonu said...

I can't wait for the first Otalia kiss!!

Unknown said...

Spencer-Rivera family all the way!

I can't believe a TV program is making me feel like an addict, but after last weeks ramped up angst I still have the shakes. Roll on tomorrow's fix.

Poor Frank, give him to Blake already!

npg said...

Sorry Frank, I feel for ya but Nat is not your "one shot at true love". I could make a Tila Tequila joke but I won't...

Otalia plus 2 works for me.

LisaAD said...

I'm pretty sure Olivia and Natalia will prevail!

Here's hoping anyway.

Thanks for the pics!

alison said...

The only three in the picture that make you go "awww" will prevail. Olivia, Natalia & Emma of course!

Go find a donut shop, Frank. Maybe you'll find them to be as good as Natalia's cookies, and you'll find someone else to propose to!

americas freedom said...

i think we all know its going to be olivia, natalia and emma. no if the writers would let them stop acting insane and just get together already would be great. why must frank show up at the school. wouldn't it be funny if ms.jennings outed them,lol.

Erma said...

Thank you for the great pic's can't wait till morning,got a chance to relax over the weekend now bring on Otalia.Frank man we feel for ya we all want true love! But your not it for Natalia now stop stalking her before Olivia bitch slaps you!

Anonymous said...

I think Springfield needs a new locksmith; to install Frank-proof locks everywhere (Farmhouse, Emma's school, The Beacon, church, gazebo, car). Goddess + Dimples + Jellybean = Perfection.

Kelly said...

Otalia and Jellybean will prevail and Rafe will come around.

j said...

Awesome pics. They certainly aren't being caught red-handed or anything. Does this mean Frank buys a clue? PLEASE let him buy a clue. :D

marley said...

love nat's expression in the first one... "ew..."
and the ring of doom is gone!

shelbygirl said...

Thank you so much for the pictures. As with most of the people commenting my money is on the family of Olivia, Natalia and Emma. This is undoubtedly the best storyline on television. Three cheers for Crystal, Jessica, Ellen and Jill for sharing this story with us.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Nat is saying No to picture no. 1! and in pic 2 - does Frank finally get a clue.
I'll take no. 3 please!

But there has to be a woman somewhere in Springfield for Frank surely, after all, we know he's a really good guy.