Thursday, April 09, 2009


You have broken the record for most comments in a single thread (over 50 and still counting)! Such passionate, articulate and constructive comments, too!

So how do we reward your commitment to Olivia, Natalia and Guiding Light? How about a few more spoiler pictures?

Doris... answering to a higher power?

The happy wedding party?

And the vaguely confused groom.

Only next week, only on Guiding Light!


Collins said...

holy crystal chappell legs batman!

thank you, thank you, thank you for these pics. orlagh makes me chuckle out loud. she is the best. cannot wait for next week. really, just can't. is the weekend over yet? can it be? please...

Southern said...

Thanks for the pics and the shoutout to Otalia fans. We are fans of the greatest story on television right now! Is it next week yet?

Kim said...

Wahoo Big Purple Army is being rewarded! Thank you! The Doris pic is hilarious!!!!!

Vaguely confused groom yeah that's one way to put it

I'm with you Collins, is it Tues yet?

Aus said...

Ah Frankie... someone will surely explain it to you. In the meantime, step aside, Otalia Express coming through!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for these extra pics! I love the one of Doris 'answering a Higher Power'..Go Doris! We heart you! This is going to be an awesome angsty week. I can't wait!
Thank you EW, JLH, JL, CC, OC and FD for this wonderful storyline and the great acting! We will keep fighting to save The Light!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics!! Thank you! Is it next week yet? :D

suzysak said...

Thank you so much for the pics! And Doris...what a look! Absolutely cannot wait for Tuesday. Otalia FTW!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the pics and the kind words. Very excited about next week. Right now, GL is the best show on or night!

Go Doris...give Frank the big clue! And how cute is the Rivera-Spencer family?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the terrific pictures.
It's impossible not to be excited about a storyline that oozes what everyone craves 'love'.
Way to go, GL! Keep the light shining and the love flowing.

jtliteshines said...

Thank You for the new pics. The one with Doris is priceless! Love It! Is it Tuesday yet? Who would have ever thought I'd be wishing my weekends away. Thanks to GL for the best story on tv period. Go Otalia!

avidonfan said...

Oh my goodness, this is about the NICEST.SURPRISE.EVER!!!!
We are so proud to support this storyline; thanks to everyone at PG and telenext for making it so easy to adore this show and this couple in particular. You guys are breaking barriers and moving mountains.. and the Big Purple Army is thrilled to throw our weight behind the producers, writers, actors and of course.. P&G!!

CAn't wait till next week!!!!

Unknown said...

Yes!! What great pics - the Doris one is especially hysterical.

I can't wait for next week ...

Unknown said...

This week keeps getting better and better! Thanks for the pics.. the one with Doris is hilarious!:)

Michele said...

Thanks! Wow CC is gorgeous in that shot. Hopefully, Buzz is talking some sense into his kid

alli said...

Thanks for posting more pictures of the non-wedding wedding! It looks like Doris is getting a phone call from God wondering what the heck is going on in his house today! LOL And Crystal Chappell is beautiful in her red dress!

Erika said...

That picture of Doris is my new favorite thing.

TCSCN said...

Woo! Thanks for the congrats. :)
I'm really looking forward to seeing this wedding. Love the wedding party picture. They all looks so sad except I can't see if Emma is sad or not. Hehe. And Doris... yeah this is going to be so good!

roxyforotalia said...

thanks for the pics.

riot said...

Shoodle man, what a surprise, thank you for those!

I can't stop looking at that red dress and thinking: oh my, I heart the writers for making Teh Love so obvious.

Otalia is the future.

Oliviaand24 said...

Thx Guys for the pics!! We Otalia fans are hardcore and we love GL and always have. Such great writers and we look forward to many more episodes of GL! Together we can make it happen! Can you hear us Roar? lol's

Tanzania said...

The picture of Doris with the statue of Jesus? Priceless.

And, why aren't we privy to Crystal Chappell's legs more often? Very nice.

Heather said...

Woo! Thanks for the pics and the shoutout to fans. Next week is going to be so great!

Unknown said...

Fantastic pictures, I mean I love all things otalia but gosh is that Doris picture not the most hilarious thing ever. Hahhaaha Natalia is the most unhappy bride ever, she looks like she has a gun to her making her marry Frank.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these wonderful pics.

I thought seeing them would calm me down. How silly of me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the new pics.

Big Purple Army Worldwide.

Doris is so funny :)

Collins said...

vaguely confused groom? really? that's like the understatement of the century. that's like olivia saying "yeah, i guess natalia is sort of pretty" or natalia saying "i mean, i wouldn't necessarily disagree that olivia has nice eyes."

Michele said...

You have anymore pics laying around please, please!

Unknown said...

There is going to be massive thudding on Tuesday. Can you buy pacemakers in bulk, cause we're gonna need 'em.

Unknown said...

Doris is our hero!! You go girl! Get those 2 ladies together!

and what can I say about Crystal rocking those heels! be still my heart!

What a nice reward! thanks PGP!

and thanks to the wonderful people who have made this storyline happen!! Big hugs to you all!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this spoiler pics.... next week is going to be sawsome!!!

amandaln977 said...

Wow, thank you for the awesome pics and comments. The Big Purple Army does not play..we are the real deal!!!


critter01 said...

Thanks for the extra pics to tide us over til next week. Still can't wait but it does help:) Even with all the spoilers I am still delightfully full of angst about how this is going to go down:) I just know it's going to be soooo good!!!

critter01 said...

Thanks for the extra pics to tide us over til next week. Still can't wait but it does help:) Even with all the spoilers I am still delightfully full of angst about how this is going to go down:) I just know it's going to be soooo good!!!

Kate said...

I LOVE Doris and Jesus! Thank you for these really fun shots. Makes the time go faster until we get to see it all unfold on our screens!

Unknown said...

Next week is going to be so great--thanks for the pics! I cannot wait for Frank to get a clue. I mean, seriously, just how depressed does Natalia need to look before he realizes that maaaaaaaaaaabye she's just not that into him?

Steph said...

Thank you so much for the extra pics! The Doris pic is hilarious!
Poor Frank! What a dolt! Hopefully Buzz will clue him in! Nice to see a pic of the whole Rivera-Spencer family! Keep up the great work Big Purple Army! Let's keep the Light shining for many years to come!

Donna Pool said...

Thanks for these extra pictures! This will be an unforgettable event! Bringing Doris into this "wedding" was a brilliant move!

Debbie said...

Thanks for the extra pics. I love that Doris is officiating the ceremony.

Poor Frank really is clueless as to what has been happening lately.


maraleia said...

Holy crap! I'm loving these pics and can't wait until next week. Thanks for fueling our Otalitis some more. We don't think we can wait until next week. GO OTALIA and the non-wedding.

teachersvlw said...

Generous of you all to spoil us like this... and frankly if this is one hell of an incentive program... Supoort your couple; get more of your couple!!!


samxart said...

Cyrstal is a Goddess! And I say that with no disrespect to the location she's in. (Hi God. Love ya!) Could this woman look any more gorgeous! *thud*

Doris and the statue is fraking Hilarious!! I can not stop laughing at her expression and the irony and ... ROTFLMAO!

Poor Frank. And yet, it's his own fault for being so self absorbed and not paying attention. DUH! The woman doesn't love you, dude! Never has, never will. Give it up.

GL is rockin' with this storyline! The best love story ever on daytime!! Everyone is hitting their marks perfectly. Can Not Wait!!!

kate3319 said...

Thank you for posting these pics, this week is crawling!!! I don't think I've ever wanted a weekend to be over this quickly, it's killing me! Otalia fans keep growing bigger and better baby..

Renville68 said...

I think Doris is saying either of two things to the statute, "that's right, they're like lambs to the slaughter" or "that's one call I'm never going to take!" If we manage to beat the number of comments this time around, will you give us more pics? :-)) Bring on next week already!!

Kate said...

KUDOS to the costuming department. Natalia's wedding dress is beautiful. But more importantly it's perfect to hide that uhm thing the we're all pretending not to notice.. you know the ... thing... with the...

Glad it's not the Pine Cones of Doom this time. They just don't belong in a Church :)

Anonymous said...

Team Otalia and Team Doris! This story has been pitch perfect every step of the way! Bravo Team GL!

Anonymous said...

And oh yeah, Crystal could stop traffic with those calves, not mention the whole look! *fans self*

the funky monkey said...

I'm thinking that next week, we're gonna get at least 4 if not 5 days of Otalia! Because we need our fix!! LOL but seriously, Otalia is the hottest thing on soaps right now and they haven't even had a mutual kiss. Wait until that happens; the internet is going to break! :)

Amidola said...

*does little happy dancing steps*
I LOVE the "family picture"!
Sweetness(Nat), Hotness(Liv), rogue teenage son, and cuteness..this almost belongs on the Dynasty mantlepiece...
Oh,and the Doris /Jesus pic?
I just hope Buzz is talking some sense into Frank in that pic:-)

nicki_mo_65 said...

Oh my! This is going to be an awesome week! Thanks for the additional stills... not that we needed to more to keep us on the edge of our seats, but it sure was a nice surprise!

Simone said...

Awesome pictures, thank you! Crystal Chappell in red + high heels should be CRIMINAL. I can't wait for next week.

Doris and that statue just cracks me up. I <3 Doris.

Sarah said...

Thank you so much for these pics! Us Otaliaholics- we rock. :D And now you've issued us a challenge. lol
Cant WAIT for Tuesday!!

Unknown said...

Not to be ungrateful...but do you have any of the graveside confession hanging around. Love to see those...

conch said...

Thanks for the pics and the shoutout to Otalia fans. We are fans of the greatest story on television right now!

Unknown said...

Thanks fo rthe new pics! I love the fact that Doris is going to be in the ceremony!

Unknown said...

What amazing photos! thank-you so much for these pics and the shoutout to the Otalia fans. This is by far the best story on television right now. I cannot wait for next week.

It's hard to pinpoint a fav. photo, but that Doris pic. is hysterical!
Is it next week yet?

Kelly said...

All of us over at BPD appreciate your nice comments and we thank you for these pics.

Next week is going to be quite something. If you think 50 comments is big time, wait until next week.

Phoenix11 said...

Thank you so much for the new pics! Doris answering to a higher power... LMAO. Next week on Guiding Light:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the photos. I seriously can't wait for next week. It is going to be awesome.

The Doris photo is hilarious!

Tanzania said...

Is Natalia the saddest looking bride ever? Too bad the character isn't allowed bo be pregnant on the show because then I'd understand her expression: shotgun wedding!

I hope P&G finds a home for this show, it's just too good to go.

P.S. said...

OK. P&G. Let me explain something to you. You are dealing with a fan base here that is on edge. We are sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, hanging on by threads at our jobs, balls of angst. Don’t get me wrong, we love it, we wouldn’t want it any other way, but we just want you to be aware of our mental state so that you understand the potential harm to our collective psyche when you hit us with pictures such as the Divine Ms. CC in that red dress. Oh, and a quick shout out to JLH and EW who’s writing and development of the Otalia storyline so far is something for which they both should be very proud.

DJ Shiva. said...

Doris!!! That look!!!

And Olivia!!! That DRESS!!!!

Thank you for feeding the Big Purple addiction! :D

SuperSage said...

Poor Frank. Has anyone paid his dues to "Idiots are Us?"

Crystal is beautiful, as always.

mvd9466 said...

Thanks for the pics - I can't wait to see the shows next week!!

hippie said...

Thank you so much!!! I love the pictures! Doris is hilarious. Crystal's dress....whoa. And poor, poor, clueless frank. I don't think this Otaliaholic is going to make it through the weekend!!

Unknown said...

Wow, thanks for the pics. That's my speculation curfew out the window! Roll on next week.

Chele said...

To kind to give a little extra special something to the Otalia fans. Can't wait for next week. Enjoying your coverage here

just kate said...

SWEET!!! I love my big purple family, thanks for posting these pictures we really appreciate it. I can't wait for this episode!!!!

OpusOne said...

I'm so excited about next week's Otalia eps! These pics have my brain working overtime!

Audra said...

Will this week never end? Thanks for the awesome pics. Especially DORIS!!!! I could not be more thrilled that she is front and center in this storyline

avidonfan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Okay how can Nat even consider marrying Frank with Liv looking like that! She is the definition of thud! *swoon*

Thank you SO much for these! If there's any fandom that really appreciates things like this it's the Otalia fans!

avidonfan said...

Great job BPD for showing the love.. But mostly thanks to PG for sharing this gift today... so are you hiding anything else from us?

We can vault over any bar you set for us! ;)

Walash said...

Love the pictures. This storyline is definitely worth getting excited about! The best same-sex female love story in the history of American television...on a soap opera. Color me impressed! Thanks to EW and JLH for such a well-written story and to Telenext and P&G for letting it see the light of day!

avidonfan said...

Walash.. I respectfully disagree with the .. "on a soap opera" qualifier. Because it is a daily the story is deeper, more developed and more genuine than anything I've seen on daytime, primetime, or film...If I am missing something, let me know b/c these ladies are the real deal.. and if another couple who could even come close, I'd like to get to know them!

Stewart-Wade said...

Collins you crack me up! Those legs are something to shout about as we saw in Orlando! Great pics! I bet we can get the comments to 100 if you will give us some more! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the additonal spoiler pics! Quick question - If we get up to 100 comments will you give us more? ;-)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the additonal spoiler pics! Quick question - If we get up to 100 comments will you give us more? ;-)

Southgirl said...

WOW,Otalia looking amazing as ever!!!come on get together plz :)

Aquila said...

Oh, wow, thanks for all thelovely pics, we'll use them for good (a far too much speculation) I promise!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I am sooo looking forward to this eppie! Doris is hilarious and I cannot help but like her more and more. I also look forward to the day that Rafe is out of prison for good. And if Frank is confused, I do think Buzz can explain everything to him...Buzz seemed to get a clue the night of the engagement party.

Digital Marketing Doctor said...

Wow - is it next week yet?

Thanks for the shout out to Otalia fans and the pics

I haven't been this excited about a story since Luke and Laura 30 years ago. Otalia is the next Luke and Laura.

Olivia & Natalia Rivera-Spencer. I.WANT.IT

uncoatedmusings said...

Thank you for this treat!!!

Is it next week yet?

Proud soldier of the BIG PURPLE ARMY.

Olivia & Natalia Rivera-Spencer NOW!

Unknown said...

Oh No! More pics - now you've done. The speculation is already out of control. BPD is swooning and the thuds are being heard around the world... and a full moon to boot... I'm frightened.

wheelswee said...

Get this wedding over with already and let us Frankie fans cry in our hankies! I am tired of Frank being everyone's favorite whipping boy! Let him find love! Wish he never would have been dragged into this story.

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the pictures. All of us at the BPD cannot wait for next week. Olivia and Natalia look smashing! Doris is too funny, I'm really starting to like her:)

tngolfergirl said...

Thanks for the extra pics PGP!

Love Doris!
Olivia in Red...WOW!...Just WOW!
Natalia is stunning always!

Is it Tuesday yet?

Team OTALIA Rock!!

mxkty said...

Too bad in the picture with Natalia and Olivia and Rafe that Emma isn't completely seen. It would have been a great family picture.

mxkty said...

"Hello, this is Doris Wolfe, the mayor of Springfield. I need to speak to Jesus. Yes, it's an emergency! I need Him to stop this farce of a wedding!"

Unknown said...

I've never had such a kick out of the word "vaguely" as I did just now.

Thank you for supporting Otalia and GL on your blog... and thank you for the pictures!! :D

Laurel67 said...

Wow these pics rock! How on earth... As you know you're just fueling a crazed mob of Otaliaholics who are way jonesing for any fix this week in anticipation of next week. And yep, wedding pictures will do. Yowza!

Melanie said...

Thanks for the extra pics. The Doris pic is too funny. I love this story line and it has brought me back to Guiding Light. I am diligently writing letters and commenting, hoping that the show will find a new home. This story is extra special and groundbreaking in so many ways. It would be a shame if it didn't get a few years to play out instead of a few months.

Unknown said...

Collins...sometimes I think things and then you say them out loud. Yep the legs were rather shocking to the system. Yep, not really standing up right now, had to sit down...Otalia fans unite. We MUST SAVE GL. There are no legs, cough, lengths we won't go to save this show!

Keagan said...

I'm finally jumping on the comment bandwagon and wanted to thank YOU for posting those pictures to tide us over this week! The actresses, Crystal Chappell, Jessica Leccia and Orlagh Cassidy have been inspirational and gotta love Frank D. for being so willing to do this storyline as well! My favorite picture is of CC in that red dress...she's amazing, legs and high heels, a killer combo. Don't know how Nat can resist Olivia!

alli said...

The wedding party is the saddest party I have ever seen. I wish I could have seen Emma’s facial expressions in this picture, but Crystal Chappell’s legs make up for it…BIG time!! I laughed at Frank’s caption! Frank needs to go back to company and spend more time with Lynn and leave Otalia alone! Thanks PGP for giving us some more spoiler photos! This made my day!!

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for the pictures! I have been gawping at them all day...way to make us even more impatient and excited than we already were! lol Wow...that red dress is sure something! How is Natalia still going through with this...?! Crazy girl.

Love Doris. Love her!

CherGL said...

Oh, my! What a wonderfully botched wedding this will be!! Just as long as it does not get leaked as to exactly who objects or what goes down, cuz I wanna be surprised! Thanks so much for the great pics, PGP Classic Soaps! Guiding Light is rockin'!!

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for these gems (and for the shout out!) GL is absolutely rocking this storyline and next week simply cannot get here fast enough! Otalia-itis is infecting us all!

Now about those legs...*thud*

Pedi RN with a Vision said...

wow amazing pics..liv in t he red dress... there are no words
Love Doris and the virgin mary statue!

Nibbs said...

Thanking you muchly for these pics. I have never looked forward so much to a wedding not happening before!! Doris rocks!!!

xamanthe said...

Wow! Those are fabulous pictures! Love the Rivera-Spencer family shot except I wish we could see Emma's face. I can't wait for next weeks' episodes.

Save the Light!

Oliviaand24 said...

Team Doris? lol's...too funny. Hey, I have an idea, we can hook Skank up with Hilda (Alan's maid), lol's...she looks lonely. And yes on Crys's legs...and no panty hose at that! :)

lunopath said...

WOW!!! Thanks PGP!!! These pics are awesome!! Liv's red dress=jaw dropping!! Doris' look is priceless in that pic!!!!!

Can't wait till Tuesday!!!! WHOOP!!!

Kkosatka said...

Thank u thank u thank u! This is just what I needed considering I have not had an Otalia fix in a week now! After seeing these photos I took vacation for next week so that so that my job won't interfere with my Otalia euphoria. Thanks again for the heads up!

Rake101 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rakesh said...

P&G, instead of posting spoiler pictures, why don't you try and post something about GL's cancellation? Is there any hope the show might find life on another network? Hint at something...

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the pictures. I love this storyline so much. The writing, the acting, and the chemistry just blow me away on a daily basis. Otalia is truly the best thing on t.v. right now.

Unknown said...

Could Crystal Chappell be any hotter? She is looking the best I have ever seen her doing the best work of her career. Love her and Otalia.

Unknown said...

I don't think I have ever been this excited over a fictional t.v. show. I cannot wait for next week. Viva la Otalia!

Tanzania said...

Dear PGP:

No need to issue even the sweest, vague challenge to Otalia fans...we're just looking for a reason to be motivated to share our excitement. And thus your comment section is now over 100 and counting.

Thanks again for the pictures. Can't wait to see the actual episode.


Rikita said...

Can't wait to see this play out. Awesome. So much going on with Doris, Rafe, Emma and of course Otalia.

Ceridwyn2 said...

Lovely pictures!
Fun picture of Doris. Doris rocks! Go get your girl, Olivia. :)

I cannot wait for next week to come. *BOUNCE*

Thank you, Proctor & Gamble!

Unknown said...

Is it Tuesday yet??? Thank you for the spoiler pics. Liv in that red dress..OMG!! GL you guys are awesome and we can not wait for next week. Thanks for the shout out to BPD.......Save "The Light"!!!!

npg said...

Reminds me of a fitting quote: This is a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham - a Traveshamockery!

Yep, that about sums it up...

Unknown said...

Is it wrong to wish away your weekend? I can't wait to see these scenes play out on my screen.

buggy123 said...

GO GO Olivia and Natalia (Otalia!); we love it. I can't wait, but I guess I'll have to. Thanks for the shout out!


annahgrrl said...

This was the best ever...I laughed so hard at the pic of Doris and the statue that I think I may strained something. And the pic of the wedding party...Abso-frakkin'-lutely.

Thanks for the shout out for all us "invested" Otalia fans. We heart you PGP for believing is this show and this story.

KTANKLE said...

Those pictures are such a tease! Thanks for them! Love Otalia!

clear said...

Great pics thanks so much. I am so excited for the upcoming week! Save GL and Otalia!!

namesake said...

How would we have gotten through this 1-day-only Otalia week without these photos?!

I hope you know that you've sparked hours of angsty speculation and overanalysis and I thank you for every pixel.

Keep em coming. Us Otaliaholics can't get enough.

Shayster said...

Can't wait until next week. CC's legs. Lord have mercy. Great Story Line. It brought me back to the light.

Anonymous said...

thank you for these pictures! feel free to give us more =)

gidge said...

OMG the picture of Doris :D Wow, CC and JL look amazing as always. Thank you so much for these pictures.

Otalia=The reason I want Monday sooner.

A.F. from the Netherlands said...

Brilliant pictures! Thank you :-)

ROFL at Doris! She's the last to even acknowledge a higher power than herself :-D

Great picture of the bride too. That's a beautiful dress.

And Frank...awwww! I can't help but feel sorry for him.

kephallinian said...

I had this flashback of the clip on Friends when Ross said Rachael's name instead of Emily.
"I Natalia.......Olivia..."

DJ Shiva. said...

See what happens when you feed the Otaliaitis?

It just comes back for more! :D

Michelle Haycraft said...

I agree with Holy Crystal Chappell Legs Batman. ROFL! Thanks for the new spoiler pics and giving a shout out to BPD.

And LOL Doris and Jesus exchanging glaring eyes at each other. O.o

Ahh Liv is so gorgeous in that red dress.

faz said...

Thanks for the photos. Next week will be a big move forward for Team Otalia. Keep it coming. We Want It.

kindga said...

I never wish away a weekend, but I can't wait for next week! It's going to be great!

Unknown said...

Doris is thinking she can skip upgrading from Mayor to Governor and maybe go straight to Savior (of Otalia fans!) LOL

Well I fear we've let you done with the expectation that we'd be "articulate" with all these thuds and gasps going on - but it's your fault for giving us these pictures!

Lovely but sad bride - brilliant dress. Liv playing the scarlet lady to the end and Rafe! Young man! Show some respect and button your jacket! ;)

Can't wait till next week!

luvcats4 said...

I have never wanted a Monday to get here so badly. Crystal and Jessica have completely stolen my heart. I also have never been so invested in a storyline before (I'm 49). And those legs of CC's...(someone please throw some water on me.)

otalia11 said...

Never been one for church, but I'm heading there right now to worship CC's legs in those heels!! whew.

didah said...

I've been Chappelled!

WHAT GREAT PICS! Thank you, thank you, thank you. If pictures of Crystal in that red dress are what we get for that the lack of Otalia this past week then it was worth it.

Keep the light shining!

Erma said...

I just read one spoiler that said it will be wednesday when Olivia tells Natalia how she feels.

natnic said...

These pictures are fantastic. We can relive the Otalia glory days.