David Andrew Macdonald will reprise the role of Guiding Light's Edmund Winslow beginning on Wednesday, October 24. Macdonald taped his first episode on Thursday, September 6.
And in related Winslow family news, Seamus Davey Fitzpatrick will (coincidentally) take over the role of Will Winslow also beginning on Wednesday, October 24. Fitzpatrick is known to audiences for his roles in the movie The Omen and for the television show The Black Donnelly’s.
Young Will is the son of Alonzo, the true heir to the throne of St. Cristobel. (Alonzo is Edmund's biological, older brother, who was declared dead then secretly given away as an infant to be raised as a poor fisherman so that his father's illegitimate son, Richard, could be raised as the island's future ruler). Will's mother, Camille, was a scheming -- but beautiful; aren't they all? -- redhead, who first gave her son up for adoption to Richard and Cassie, then wanted him back once she learned her boy could make her First Lady of San Cristobel.
Though Alonzo initially allowed Will to be raised by the Winslows of Springfield, he eventually decided he needed him back on the island for future-Prince training. Edmund, then in love with Cassie, promised to help her fight for her son but in reality was urging Alonzo to reclaim Will, so that Edmund could eventually swoop in and play hero.
In 2005, Cassie finally agreed to let young Will reside in San Cristobel and learn such vital monarch skills as jousting and ballroom dancing, on the condition that she could remain a part of his life.
Since then, Cassie has visited Will on occasion. Is there a connection between the return of San Cristobel's true heir and that of the man who spent his life desperately coveting his crown?
Tune into GL this Fall to find out!
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