Wednesday, April 30, 2014


As someone born in the former Soviet Union, May Day has never been the happiest time of the year for me.

But, that's all about to change. Thursday, May 1 (that's tomorrow), I am taking part in the Booklovers Buffet Party on Facebook. Come chat with us from 3 pm to 10 pm EST at this link. There will be gift-cards, giveaways, prizes, free books and a lot of people who write about sex for a living kicking back and letting loose.

Check out the available titles in the video below:

And visit the official website,, to learn more about each book.

I've got When a Man Loves a Woman, a romance that asks the question: Can men and women ever really be "just friends" (what do you think?), and Counterpoint: An Interactive Family Saga, where readers tell me what they want to happen next - and I listen to them, in the sale.

Make sure you stop by the Facebook party tomorrow to say hello!

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