A few photo spoilers to say thanks for watching!

As The World Turns will not air on Thursday, November 27 or Friday, November 28.
See you on Monday!
"And when they ask us what we're doing, you can say, We're remembering...." (Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451)
"At this dinner, you get to see what it is like for the black sheep to be around all these people," Saint-Victor explains. "You've seen him with his mom, you've seen him with his dad, but you haven't seen him with everybody, and (it shows) how different he is."
Of course, it doesn't help matters that Remy recently got married without telling his family -- not that he had planned to get drunk and wake up the next morning married to Christina (Karla Mosley). His bride adds to his difficulties when she turns up as an uninvited guest during the dinner.
More here.
WHO IS SHE? Gina Lee, AugustaChronicle.com's third-most frequent commentator
HER LIFE OFFLINE: Mrs. Lee, a short blonde with bobbed hair, is an Augusta native, a Barack Obama supporter and an animal lover. The 60-year-old is a mother of three and grandmother to seven. She checks the Web site most mornings while eating breakfast alongside her pet python, Rambo, and the family's toothless cat, Hot Rod.
HER LIFE ONLINE: Mrs. Lee started commenting on the site two years ago. She says her screen name doesn't hold a whole lot of personal significance.
"There was a character on As the World Turns . I watched it for years. I always liked the name," she said.
Score one for the showgirl from New Jersey!Helfand, 48, teaches graphic design at Yale and is co-principal with her husband, William Drenttel, of the design firm Winterhouse. She and Drenttel are also cofounders, along with Michael Bierut, of what has become the graphic designer blog of choice, Design Observer (www.designobserver.com). It averages a million hits a month.
After graduating from Yale, Helfand worked as a secretary at an ad firm, then as a soap opera writer. A few years of "Guiding Light" and "Search for Tomorrow" were enough to send her back to Yale for graduate work in design.