Wednesday, March 19, 2014


My three kids, ages 14, 10 and 7 love the ABC show, "Shark Tank." (Yes, I have very peculiar kids.)

However,  because it's on at 9 pm on Friday nights, we rarely watch it live. It's past the 10 and 7 year old's bedtimes, and while the 14 year old could theoretically watch it (and sometimes sneaks off and does), we prefer to view it as a family.

However, with a 14, 10 and 7 year old, I often don't have time to watch TV until days after the initial broadcast.

That's why we didn't get around to watching the 3/14 episode of "Shark Tank" until yesterday.

It was a special, kid-inventors edition. And who did we see pitching a colored liquid band-aid, but six year old Kiowa Kavovit. Who was there with her dad, Andrew Kavovit, who won an Emmy for playing a teen-age Paul Ryan (Stenbeck) on As the World Turns in 1990.

Watch Andy in Oakdale (he was the Paul who had an affair with Emily as a teen, then shot James while his father was trying to choke her after finding out his girlfriend slept with his high-school age son), below:

And check out Andy as the doting dad with his own little girl at this link.

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