Thursday, January 28, 2010

How will Luke react when Damian bids him farewell? Tune into As The World Turns tomorrow to find out!


Unknown said...

Thank you for this photo! Can we get more photos of Luke and of Luke and Noah, please?

KPH said...

Thanks for the photo! Maybe next time we could see Luke's face? :D And maybe Noah too?

Robert said...

Hey, a Luke photo! Too bad Noah's not around.

ld152 said...

Thank you for the Luke and Damian preview!

Can we get some Luke & Reid photos? I love them together!

Micon said...

Thanks for this! Nice to see Luke, but how about some photos of Luke and Noah? You know - the tall, dark and handsome guy Luke's going to marry? <3

Richard said...

Thanks, but can we get some previews with Noah in them? He's half of the reason Nuke is so popular.

somerville said...

Thanks. Could you please post some photos of Luke and Noah together? They're why I watch. Luke and Noah.

2A said...

Thank you for posting the picture.

I have to admit, I will not miss Damian. I think Luke should spend more time with his real father, Holden.

Thannyr said...

Thanks, but I really want to see a Luke AND Noah picture. You know... that couple we love so much and the on TPTB on ATWT love to neglect and write crappy scenes, stories and airtime for??? I love Paolo (hate Damian!), but I'm sick of this show NOT focusing on Nuke's relationship... I think it's time for that "end game" (focus?) to start and it's long overdue. This frustrated fan is beyond pissed! And please... NO friggin' pics of Reid! Thank you very much!

Signals said...

Yay, let's destroy the show completely with Luke and Dr. Jerk. Yay.