Wednesday, July 29, 2009


David Andrew Macdonald returns to Guiding Light as Edmund on Friday, August 7.

Turns out reports of his death were.... It's daytime. You know the drill.


Rebekah said...

I hate Edmund.

SuperSage said...

I hate this entire storyline. Oh, what am I saying? Can anyone think of a single storyline Wheeler has got right???

Greeneb2 said...

I hate Edmond, but I love cute-cute-cute David Andrew MacDonald the actor!

wheelswee said...

Love Edmund!! Glad they are bringing him back, but, please stop with the Edmund is nuts stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Supersage. It's not even worth complaining about anymore.

Complaining about it at this point is sort of like complaining that the Titanic is taking on water....