Thursday, June 18, 2009


Actually, it looks like trees aren't the only things blooming during Emma's community service project!

Only next week, only on Guiding Light!


spheeris jones said...

Oh my. That picture of Otalia-love is just epic and wonderful.

Otalia FTW!

spheeris jones said...
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suzysak said...

and I'm ded...

TCSCN said...

Wow! Thank you for the pictures. I can't wait for next week!

Unknown said...

For the love of God--Kiss Her!!!

Michele said...

I am hoping for a smooch in the Gazebo! I WANT IT!!!!!

the funky monkey said...

OMG! Can this be the "KISS" picture??

maraleia said...

OMG Those pics are all kinds of awesome. We want more please!!!!!

Collins said...

not gonna lie, normally i'm a liv girl. but this picture makes me want to dive into those nat dimples.

you win jess. you win...

Amidola said...

"Stay clear!"
Ok, Girls I'm back.

Amidola said...
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Amidola said...
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Rocktoddy said...

All that space between them needs to just go away. Right there. Kiss please!

Camouflage Gurl! said...

Thanks for the pics. Please tell me that they finally kiss. thud!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the pics! Definitely can't wait for next week now!

Simone said...

Oh lord, when will they KISS ALREADY! Love the pic, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Oh lord!!
They have to kiss.
If they don't i will flip my shit into next Thursday.
Bloody hell!

Unknown said...

oh lovely, lovely pictures. can it be squee time? *sigh* Otalia love is all about the moments of wonder :)

Katie said...

Oh yes, yes, yes!!!!
Thank you for the pics, can't wait for next week!!!

Rockiesoul said...
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Calipsosara's Paper World said...

ME DED! OMG This has to be a kiss! PLEASE!
So beautiful picture!

Renville68 said...

We're ready, the girls are ready...definitely time for the first mutual kiss between Otalia. Thanks so much for uploading. Is it next week yet??!

Amidola said...

And there I have a new desktop background:-D

ocblu said...

Seriously, could it be? !! Can we have at least one more photo tease for the weekend?

Rockiesoul said...

Thank you for posting the Pictures of Ms. Chappell and Ms. Leccia... I love the Olivia & Natalia story. I want this story to be like every other story on GL with kisses and romance.

Kate said...

How cute!

How much do I love Guiding Light? A WHOLE LOT

I love the writing. Making Emma's service project a family affair is such a great thing.

I love the production. Filming outside adds so much authenticity to the drama.

I love the acting. Could it be possible to convey any more clearly the delight and joy of real love than the look and body language of Leccia and Chappell. In that instant they are completely and utterly Natalia and Olivia and it is a very beautiful thing.

The television world is going to be a much dimmer place if Guiding Light really is gone for good on September 18th.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for monday...I used to look forward to my weekends Now I look forward to Otalia Days

TeamOtalia said...

Oh Wow! Those are two awesome little piccies! Jess looks stunning in the second one.. Will they? Won't They? Arrgghhh!! The anticipation! God I love Guiding Light so much! Can't wait for next week!

Unknown said...

Wow, can't wait for next weeks episodes. Thanks for posting these.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the pic........Sweet Baby Jeebus just KISS HER ALREADY!!

Donna Pool said...

Thanks so much for posting these! I'm really looking forward to watching these scenes!

Unknown said...

oh my god!!! i barely survived looking at that picture, i dunno how i'll possibly be able to *watch* it!

DAx said...

Ahhh mah god!!! Can these two possibly create anymore energy between them without sending the globe careening off it's axis due to a solar flare-like surge of heat? OH, GL and Otalia... What you do to me...

DJ Shiva. said...

*Le sigh*

Romance is not dead.

And the dimples? *LOVE*

skyvixen said...

WOW is ded now!!!

Cant wait till next week now!

Southern said...

Oh my...Please kiss her, now, please!

kimishell said...





ahhiker said...

Beautiful picture! Can never get enough of the two of them! Most beautiful true to love story I have ever seen! Thank you Ellen Wheeler, Jill Lorie Hurst, Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are made out of so much win! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! GUHD Otalia... Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia have such amazing chemistry.

And yeah, that picture screams KISS HER ALREADY! But you know they won't. We're not quite ded enough yet ;)


Rock the Albino Coconut said...

Ded I tell you

Otalia FTW

Unknown said...

If I write, I love this storyline, one more time, I think my partner is gonna call the people with the white jacket for me.
*laces up sneakers and prepares to run*

toastedgrrl said...

Thank you for posting those pictures. Absolutely stunning! Cannot wait until next week.

Unknown said...

That pic of Liv and Nat is so sweet it's giving my brain a giant cavity and making my heart ache... but in only the very best way.

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG. I want that kiss. PLEASE

Nibbs said...

Oh my really that is a lovely photo
ohhh can't stop looking at the picture I may be here some time...

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting these!
I love how GL shoots in the outdoors, the sunlight makes them all glow :)
Beautiful pictures! Otalia FTW :)

P.S. said...

Dear PGP Classic Soaps,

As I have previously mentioned when you posted a picture of Liv in her red dress (anyone else think of Cher in Moonstruck? Just me? OK) around the time of one of the events that shall not be named (yes, there are several), we are a fandom on the edge (no, not ledge). We have no idea what is going to happen during a certain maternity leave, we don't know what events will cause such leave, and we still are over-caffienated, sleep deprived, hanging on by threads at our jobs, balls of angst. But, this time, I would like to say thank you for posting such a wonderful picture of Olivia and Natalia. That picture should be in the dictionary next to "True Love." And, when the inevitable angst express comes rushing through Springfield, we will hold that picture close and speculate on future happy times that we are sure are coming up for the girls.

Unknown said...

Wow!!! Lin and Nat look sizzling:-)
Can't wait to see it. They sooo look like they are going to kiss

Bonnie said...

Beautiful picture of Olivia and Natalia! Ahhhhhh! We need more like this. ;)

This has to be a kiss. Ahhhhhhh!

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! Can't wait for next week. They both look very kissable. Make. It. So.

Unknown said...

yeah baby...this is the kiss...I know it!


LOVE the picture :D

No1duckie said...

These pictures make this angsty week so much better. Love they way they are so into each other. Jellybean please don't interrupt!!

Anonymous said...

That Otalia picture is gorgeous!

Lisa said...

Holy Smokes-The pic with Otalia is hot, sizzling love...hopefully on the verge of THE kiss..and the Pic of Olivia and Emma is adorable-the kid always knows how to bring the girl together-she is gifted. Thank you for posting and sharing-can't wait to see this next week!

kayman said...

Love love you P&G for Guiding Light and for this wonderful love story b/w Natalia & Olivia. This pic tugged on my heart!

Writing, acting, & production on this show has brought me back to believing in soaps! Well, at least this one for now. KEEP IT REAL, KEEP IT TRUE

indigo said...

Thank you P&G for bringing to light this wonderful story of true love. It is the best written and best acted story on TV.
That picture kills me ded. However, I just have to say KISS HER NOW.

Unknown said...

Not that Im stalking or anything... But look at Livs hand. She is giving Nat some daisies :D
That is the cutest thing ever!
I hope she gets a kiss for her efforts.

Unknown said...

Oh my, what a great picture. Could this be a lead up to a kiss??? I sure freaking hope so, I'm so so tired of waiting. Thanks for the pictures!

Nataliejc1 said...

The picture of Olivia and Natalia just says love. The chemistry between these two is just awesome!
Could it be the kiss? I hope so, they and we are so ready!
Can't wait until Monday...

Anonymous said...

eeeeee! adorable, they are! thankyou for the cuteness! <3

Jen said...

Thank you so much for those pictures! Otalia is such a beautiful story, and I love to see them as happy as they appear here. Hope we get many, many more happy moments between them

2A said...

Thank you for posting the sweet pics of Olivia and Emma, and Olivia and Natalia.

Denisebella said...

Love the pictures - Viva Otalia!

didah said...

Thanks for the great pics! Thud!

Unknown said...

Great pic. Sigh love can exist, look at how happy they are in the pic.

Taikod said...

All this volunteerism.... It does things to our girls...

mak23 said...

thank you for posting these!
wow...i'm nearly speechless. otalia happy makes me happy.
beautiful pic of the 2 of them! :)

Unknown said...

:: swoon :: I cannot stop grinning like an idiot! That Otalia pic is pure LOVE!

sigh... what an epic romance, I'm lovin' it!

Unknown said...

Would it? Would it?!
Are we in for an earthquake next week?
*dies from the cuteness overload*

Columbus said...

Holy crap! What a wonderful picture of Olivia and Natalia! My Otalia mourning has just intensified. I hope that Otalia gets its happy ending - and that we see every moment along the ride.

ditc6 said...

After a soft, gentle kiss they look into each others eyes for a few moments. Liv breaks the silence with, "Why did we wait so long to do that?" which brings us to this pic.

Xenagabfan54 said...

These two burn up my T.V. and computer when they are on together. Not since Xena and Gabrielle, has there been a couple with this much chemistry. Most of the worlds population, is waiting for these two, to kiss and consummate their relationship. I just wonder if our hearts can take it. I don't know if mine can; but I will chance it. Kiss the girl!!! Then bring me the defib. Keep the light Shining!!!

Unknown said...

Love, love, LOVE this story...thank you so much CC and JL...every Otalia day is so much brighter!!

neixannd said...

Thanks for the pics.. GOD I'm DED.
Is really a shame that a great soap opera like GL reach the end on sept 18. I really hope some network offers them a new place to stay..Fan base is huge people!! OTALIA story line is so well written and real. Thank you GL.

Digital Marketing Doctor said...

Wow - we have a lot of wonderful things to look forward to next week.

CC and JL have fantastic chemistry...

Long live Otalia!!!!

Heather said...

Otalia is love. Thanks PGP!

Unknown said...

oh MY GAWD!...I m loving this storyline sooo much!

thanks for the pictures :D

Mikki24 said...

LOVE to see them happy!! What better place to share their first kiss than the Gazebo of Love?

Michelle said...

Fantastic pictures! Crystal and Jessica are simply stunning! Romance is still alive and well, at least on Guiding Light. Can't wait to see how the wonderful writers continue to develop this beautiful story.

Snapper said...

Awww..great pic of Liv and Natalia at the gazebo. See, have nothing to worry about.

Aquila said...

Oh, that pictures is wonderful. Good stuff. Thank you.

And I love Emma in butterflies again.

kindga said...

Wow! That picture of Olivia and Natalia is beautiful. If only I could see what happens next, please let it be a kiss!

alli said...

Thanks for sharing these pics with us, PGP! I sure hope this is the KISS under the Gazebo of Looovvveee! *squee*

N2Soaps said...

PGP Classic Soaps has once again proved that the old saying is true. A picture is worth a 1000 words or in this case 5000 women . . . who will call in sick on make that 5001 (me) so that they can finally witness the KISS!!!

arisa2277 said...

Thank you. Thank you. I can now squee happily for next week. Yaaahhh.

bluewhale89 said...

Thank you so much. Otalia FTW!

Anonymous said...

COME ON GL, Give us what we want & demand. A KISS. Not just one. Let's get on w/the relationship. Let's Rock this joint. Your leaving Public Broadcasting, so go out in glory. Otalia is hot.

Unknown said...

PGP, you've brightened my night with such a lovely picture of Jellybean and Olivia, and ESPECIALLY with Olivia and Natalia! Their love is radiant! Thank you so much. I look forward to many, MANY more Otalia images from y'all.

annahgrrl said...

Dear Jesus,
Please let this pic be Otalia's first mutual kiss. I'm asking because I know deep down you are totally an's true love...and that's how you roll.

P.S. Please bless PGP for putting such a wonderful picture on their board. Thnx.

Unknown said...

holy god almighty in heaven

Erma said...

Holy hell that's a good picture,that's gonna get me threw till next week thanks PGP for these picture's do you have any more laying around!!

neixannd said...

That pic is just lovely!

wheelswee said...

Keep the Light Shining!! Original stories like Otalia is why GL needs to continue on the air!

Columbus said...

Everytime that I see that wonderful picture of Otalia, my heart breaks a little more.

Unknown said...

I'm begging here!!


is it monday? no?...
how about now? *sigh*
ah the anticipation