They really picked up speed in June once Gifted & Talented seats were assigned, and the musical chairs of G&T, General Ed, charter and private schools began in earnest.
August tends to be a slow month, though September brings a new, brief, final shift when people who'd registered for a given school simply don't show up.
But for parents who don't want to wait until the fall, there is another option: Religious schools.
Many offer rolling admissions and tend to have spaces even in late summer (for Kindergarten and higher grades, too). They also can be much cheaper than other private schools.
How do they manage to do that while still providing a quality education? Find out below;
Then learn how to apply to Catholic, Jewish, Christian and Muslim schools from Pre-K through High-School, as well as what they have to offer that secular schools don't, here:
Read more in Getting Into NYC Kindergarten and Getting Into NYC High-School at the links.