Thursday, July 21, 2011


First, thank you to all the Carjack fans who took the time to write me yesterday with their favorite memories of ATWT's front-burner couple. We hope you enjoy the tribute we've got planned for them in Soap Opera 451: A Time Capsule of Daytime Drama's Greatest Moments.

Second, thank you to the fans of AMC, AW, ATWT, DOOL, GH, GL, OLTL and Y&R who contributed the moments you think deserve to be immortalized in soaps' first enhanced e-book. (I'll be taking last-minute contributions through the end of July, so if you've got a scene you want included, as they say in daytime, "Speak now or forever hold your peace." E-mail me at

What we are low on, however, are suggestions from B&B, Ryan's Hope, Santa Barbara, Loving/The City, Capitol, The Doctors, Search for Tomorrow, and Passions.

I know those shows have their fans. Now is the time to make your voices heard!

1 comment:

  1. For "Capitol" I would suggest the terrific episode where actress Jane Daly, as Shelley Granger/Kelly Harper, performed a monologue confessing her call girl past to Trey before leaving town. This scene took up the better part of an entire episode in 1983. Jane Daly was absolutely riveting. (Too bad the scene isn't at youtube.)
