Thursday, March 03, 2011


Sam Ford, editor of The Survival of the Soap Opera, nominates Luke's coming out story on As The World Turns as an example of soaps at the top of their game for our time-capsule project, especially the scene of Lucinda finding out.

What do you think? Is this the best scene to represent the story? What would you suggest?

Write me at

And check out Sam's book!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Alina! In particular, as the news spread of Luke's coming out, I thought there were many good scenes (Holden's confiding in Jack as he suspected and before he knew, for instance). But the two most stellar of all were the scenes where Emma found out ( and the scenes where Luke confides in Lucinda that he was afraid of telling her, which truly shocks Lucinda and leads to her to look at the figure she has cast on her family in a new light (don't know where the clip is of those scenes...)
