Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Nontraditional casting means that people of any race, ethnicity, gender, etc... can be tapped to play any role (think Denzel Washington and Keanu Reeves as brothers in Much Ado About Nothing, or Linda Hunt playing a man in Year of Living Dangerously).

But, what about age?

What happens when actors who are much, much too young to play parent and child get cast anyway? Is it possible to suspend disbelief, or does it pull you out of the story?

Soaps, daytime and prime-time, are some of the worst offenders on that scale, with often only a few years' age difference between (especially) mothers and sons. (What does that tell us about how women are expected to look? And how can real life women compete when the deck is so stacked against them?)

Go to: for my list of actors too young to play parent/child on TV/Stage, and share some of your favorite odd couples below!

1 comment:

  1. You know, its really sad when you realize that each of the deceased Golden Girls died one year after each other.
