Monday, June 11, 2012


Thank you to the latest reader to offer this review of Counterpoint: An Interactive Family Saga on Amazon:

Loved the first volume of Counterpoint and can't wait for Volume 2 to come out! The characters come alive within the first chapter, and I found it very hard to put the book down between chapters! The story is filled with both excitement and mystery! 

Read the entire thing, along with others, here.

Counterpoint: An Interactive Family Saga is usually $2.99.  However, as part of a Summer Reading promotion at: it, along with When a Man Loves a Woman: Enhanced Multimedia Edition, Skate Crime: Multimedia and over 150 other romance titles ranging from contemporary to historical to YA to romantic suspense to erotica, are all on sale for only $.99 cents through June 22. 

Check it out!

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