Friday, June 15, 2012


As the person who relaunched Another World Today for PGP in 2009 and wrote Mindy's Twitter for them after Guiding Light went off the air, I, not surprisingly, approve of the way Dallas has been brought back to TV.

It wasn't a reboot, it wasn't a re-imagining, it was a straight up continuation of the original series (though, I think the kids' ages are a little off.  John Ross was born in 1979, and Christopher in 1981.  They should be in their 30s.  Maybe it was the acting or the writing or both, but they came off more as mid-20s to me.  Then again, nobody said it was 2012, did they?)

It looks like other than Bobby's remarriage, Miss Ellie's death (Clayton's, too, presumably?), and JR's breakdown (a result of his suicide attempt in the last episode? The reunion movies are not to be counted as cannon, I hear, though, who knows?) nothing much has changed at Southfork.

Though, those of us who were hard-core fans - and are into that sort of thing - have probably given some thought to what may have transpired over the past almost two decades.

That's one of the many awesome things about soaps.  Daily (or, in the case of prime-time, weekly) viewing of evolution and growth for years at a time allows the characters to continue living on in our imaginations even after the show goes off the air.

When I first launched Another World Today, a viewer wrote me to say that my story didn't match the fan fiction she'd written a few years before.

While there's nothing I could do about that, I am trying to rectify a similar situation with my newest book series, Counterpoint: An Interactive Family Saga.

Volume One of my original, multi-generational, romantic, soapy story (A wealthy family with secrets! Star-crossed lovers! Scheming villains!) ended on a cliff-hanger - that I am asking readers to help me resolve.

So far, one poster on the Alina Adams Media Facebook page has written:

I think the story has gotten off to a good start, I like the leads and am interested in what happens next without a clue what should happen next, probably just too early in the overall story. I do think the story needs to develop a larger supporting cast as the story builds.

While another, on the Soap Opera 451 Message Board suggests:

We have to know that Robin leaves Victoria's apartment, but realizes that Victoria was forced to say what she did . . . it may take him a while to figure it out but he figures out that Nicole is at the bottom of it! I loved the interaction with Nicole and Gabriel, but Nicole can't win!

Adding more detail on Facebook:

I just finished reading Volume 1 of "Counterpoint" and loved it. It had a great combination of romance and intrigue, and I loved the interaction between Robin and Victoria. Although I found it ironic that Nicole ended up in Gabriel.s life, I hated what she did to Gabriel. He did not deserve that, but then her interference in Robin and Victoria's life was also very undeserved, but expected!! I am sure that Robin will realize that it was Nicole who made Victoria say what she did, and Nicole gets what she deserves (which is not a life with Gabriel!!). I am looking forward to getting the next volume, to see how everything comes out!!

Wand to join in the fun and help develop a brand new soap opera from the ground up?  One which takes your feedback into consideration, so that what happens next is up to you?

Then please check out Counterpoint: An Interactive Family Saga on Amazon at this link.

The book is only $.99 cents through Friday, June 22 as part of the Book Lovers Buffet Summer Reading Special!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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