Friday, May 25, 2012


Join me tonight at 7PM EST/4 PM PST as I dish Soaps' Greatest Moments on BuzzWorthy Radio at: in a show that also includes Y&R's Lauralee Bell (Christine)!

Among the Daytime Drama stand-outs that you picked to be featured in Soap Opera 451: A Time Capsule of Daytime Drama's Greatest Moments enhanced e-book was David Kimble's 1991 reign of terror, which culminated with Genoa City's phenomenal masquerade ball, featuring the "murder" of Christine, Danny and Nina.

Michael Corbett, who played David, told me, "The masquerade ball was a great, amazing thing.  We shot for so many hours, it was such a long process, there was a lot of downtime and long days, but the end product was really great.  It was really exciting because the storyline was fantastic. The whole cast was at the giant masquerade ball, it was a big event; long, long hours, but really beautiful and a lot of plotlines were woven together, as the Bells are so good at doing.  It was the big climax of a lot of storyline all in one place.  And it was visual and really beautiful."

Read more from Michael, as well as dozens of other actors, writers, and producers who created the scenes fans voted as their favorite of all time.  (Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.) 

Meanwhile, the book everyone is talking about is Shades of Grey.  I never read it.  I don't plan to read it.  But, why should that stop me from commenting on it for The Wall Street Journal's Smart Money blog?

By stripping romance and erotic novels books of their steamy covers, e-readers eliminated much of the embarrassment of toting them around, experts say. With e-books, no one can tell if you’re reading Faulkner of Fabio, says Alina Adams, an e-book consultant.”That’s allowed a lot more people to buy them without worry.” 

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