Wednesday, January 26, 2011

By Alina Adams

In 1994, my first national television job (I'd worked at local stations up to that point) was with E! Entertainment's Pure Soap, a daily, half-hour show about, what else? soap operas!

Below is a clip with guest-star Sarah Michelle Geller (then All My Children's Kendall). As you can see, we screwed up the trivia question portion of the episode by airing the answer first (kind of takes the suspense out, I realize). In our defense, while all guests were asked to arrive thirty minutes before the (live) taping, Sarah got there five minutes after the broadcast started (honestly, we weren't even sure whether to promote her appearance until she walked in the door). But she had an amusing anecdote about a very slow limo driver (not to mention tales of Kelly Ripa and Eva LaRue)!

Since Pure Soap went off the air, host Shelley Taylor Morgan (ex-Lorena; General Hospital and ex-Anjelica, Days of Our Lives) has moved to Washington State where, in addition to writing a column on collectibles and local restaurant reviews, she is starring in a radio drama, Adrian Cross, For Hire that can be heard via the Internet at:

Shelley plays Christine Hale, Adrian's 25 year old love interest!

She writes to Soap Opera 451:

Volunteers at the station had other obligations, so I offered to take on the publicity for this event and worked with the local press, vendors, and you name it to create public awareness. In addition, my big mouth opened and before I could breathe in, I had offered to write/produce/direct/edit a video about the production.

What was I thinking?! I have never done anything of the kind. Ignorance is bliss. It took more than 40 hours of editing to whittle nearly four hours of raw footage down to a 7 minute video. Hampered by lack of training, no-frills editing programs, very limited video coverage... and delusions of grandeur. (I'm telling you all this so you will be kind in your critique of the results!!).

So please.....


(And watch!)

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