Thursday, September 02, 2010


Physician heal thyself?

Only next week, only on As The World Turns....


  1. I cannot even begin to comment on how wrong this is. Haven't we had enough tragedy? I wanted to end my 25 year relationship with ATWT on a happy hopeful note. Instead I get to have my heart ripped out and Dr. Dixon won't be around to fix it. You can jump forward in time all you want but I only get a few days to come to terms with this before everything is gone for good. There are so many paths that the story could have gone down this one is was unnecessary and just plain cruel.

  2. I think this is the worst possible way for this show to end. After 54 years the only character left with a sad ending is Luke Snyder? The boy has already been through so much. He is the only gay character and the only one to have a sad future? And to kill Reid Oliver...a character who has revitalized the show during the last nine months? It makes no sense! Chris Hughes is a selfish character who has let his health spiral out of control and he deserves Reid's heart? Worst way to end the show! I will not watch it and I will not support the companies who have decided that it is ok to have a sad ending, as long as it is the gay character who is having it!

  3. Boy, I really, really didn't need to see that! I hate, hate, hate you writers at ATWT! You just had to take the strong gay character and kill him off in this way didn't you????

    1. Reid was a strong gay character?
      Dont see strong.
      Atwt already has two strong gay characters.
      They love each other.
      They always will
      Because they always have....
      The Doctor and Luke never had any kind of real love...thats why Luke is always saying things like...he never realized it...etc...and when he told Noah he loved the dr. Character he said it like he was trying to convince himself...go back at watch it...Vans a terrific actor...he knows how to play this stuff...
      The whole Luke/Dr. Thing was made of confusion...and snark and name was a mess.
      That's why Luke and Noah are left standing together at the end. Noah was not going to hug Luke or kiss him because he didn't want to remember what was last....THATS why they kissed at WOAK. Because they knew it wasn't the last one...maybe these writers are better than we thought....

  4. I love Reid! He is my most favorite character ever and I love him with Luke. I don't understand why you are doing this to Reid. It's so obvious that Luke and Reid are in love. It's wrong that people like Chris and Noah get to live while somebody so good like Reid will die. Chris and Noah will always have to live with the fact that they were the second choice for chief of staff and Luke's heart and never the first choice. This is so sad!

    1. How is it obvious?
      The passionless kisses standing 3 feet apart?
      Or the chess playing. That's about it...

  5. What the hell is wrong with the powers that be to think Luke deserves such a tragic ending. Luke/Reid are a brilliant couple and should have had a happy ending. Instead, a brilliant neurosurgeon who would have saved countless lives dies, leaving his lover devastated.

    Luke finally had a respectful relationship after the dysfunction that was Nuke, and Reid is the best character I've ever seen on daytime.

    Shame on you ATWT.

    1. Reid and Luke were respectful?
      Hmmm. Let's see, Reid was rude, unethical and they always fought. They had zilch for chemistry and all Luke did was follow Reid around the hospital acting like Lily or Meg. Reid probably didn't even know or care what Luke liked on his pizza.

      Luke tried to get back with Noah constantly...even AFTER Noah punched him...

      In the end...Reid and Luke were a bust...Noah IS and forever will be the love of his life, and they will live happily ever after...

    2. Reid and Luke were respectful?
      Hmmm. Let's see, Reid was rude, unethical and they always fought. They had zilch for chemistry and all Luke did was follow Reid around the hospital acting like Lily or Meg. Reid probably didn't even know or care what Luke liked on his pizza.

      Luke tried to get back with Noah constantly...even AFTER Noah punched him...

      In the end...Reid and Luke were a bust...Noah IS and forever will be the love of his life, and they will live happily ever after...

  6. I can't stand Reid and even I think this is just stupid and wrong. ATWT, you can do so much better than this.

  7. The person just outside the frame is about to make Luke leave, right? Patients aren't supposed to have support from "loved ones"--that's just sound medicine, according to Dr. Oliver.

    Sorry to all the new fans who fell in love with Reid, but he's a gay character on ATWT--did you really think it would end well for him?

  8. The cancellation and end of ATWT was terrible, then Helens death which of course had to be addressed on the show, now this. That the powers that be CHOSE to lump even more tragedy on an already sad and grief stricken viewship is too much. I will NEVER forget how TPTB chose to end this show- with enough misery to choke all the viewers. Why?

  9. @ Richard, you're so right. ATWT has never cared about the gay characters and I don't see why anyone thought they would change. And did Reid really say that?

  10. There were so many more dramatic stories that could've been told with Luke, Reid and Noah. But to make them the victims so everyone else can have happy endings is wrong. I'd like to see other explanations from the producer and writers than the ones we've been given that it's all about Luke maturing. Luke has been maturing in his relationship with Reid and even in his quest to at least maintain a friendship with Noah.

    I'll never understand why the gay characters and the loyal viewers who passionately loved this s/l had to suffer in the end.

    1. Wrong. Luke didn't mature. He was a mess...

    2. Oh, he's not going to maintain a friendship...they dont do friends....I'll quote Goutman...well paraphrase...they're love was tested by Reid it made them grow up...their RELATIONSHIP WILL ENDURE.
      Bent but never broken.

  11. How Reid's death is heroic!! yes he is socially inept and can be cold sometimes but he dedicated his life to save lives. He's a doctor. he's already a hero! and what about luke didn't he go through enough in his life! why he is the only one to be unhappy! what did he do wrong! all he wanted is to love and be loved!
    and to add sault to injury, selfish chris hughes gets reid's heart in the end!???
    all of this sends only negative messages and has HOMOPHOBIA written all over it! Lure didn't even get the chance to make love!! LAUGHABLE..
    Real life is cruel enough . I don't need to see it also on TV.. I'm done

  12. @ jakelover, no, Reid didn't say that. He said that if loved ones couldn't be in the hospital room without freaking out and making things worse for the patient, then they shouldn't go in until they were ready.

  13. Completely ridiculous, unnecessary and insulting. Much like most of ATWT for the last few years.

  14. Aw my poor Luke. I love him so much and he is about to suffer something horrible. Van makes me so emotional in that photo!

  15. This ending is so weak, not that it's surprising given the shoddy track record of ATWT. Who would think that it is sweet or a good idea to sacrifice a three dimensional and well developed character for one as weak as the character of Chris Hughes? This storyline has no point. If they were going to do this they could have at least made Chris useful and rootable, but instead they just threw him together with Katie at the last minute, and have shown that he is just a bland pointless character, who is in need of a brain transplant. There is no reason for this death other than shock value, and even that doesn't mean a heck of a lot, when the result is Chris and Katie ending up together, while Luke is alone and unhappy, and Reid is dead.

    This show had very little going for it this year, except Reid and Luke, and this death shows why the show was canceled.

    1. Reid, a poor House copy is now 3 is easier to write the jokey character...

  16. Luke: Reid, can you hear me? If so, wake up! Haha, deja vu.
    Reid: *mumbles*
    Luke: What? Oh, I think he said "Shut up, idiot!" Oh, my little Reidykins!!
    Reid: I can't see.
    Luke: Oh god, I'm not going through this again. *smothers*
    Reid, pushing pillow away: I just meant everything's a little blurry! But I will need you to be my right-hand man if I recover.
    Luke: Well, who better than me? I've already transformed you from an emotionally-stunted 12 year old who has no concept of people, love, or relationships into a....well, the important thing is that I'm trying.
    Reid: *grunts*
    Luke: Oh, you always know just what to say. *tousles hair*

    Okay, so NOW do the Reid-loving, Noah-hating faithful realize the show itself is to blame, not one of its characters, for constantly desexualizing and censoring the gay characters to make sure they're never happy? Or are you all too busy wishing you had your own doctor boyfriend to insult and ignore you?

  17. I'm not a new viewer. I've been watching for 20 years. I know very well how ATWT has treated the gay characters. It's too bad that Reid had to be sacrificed. I never bought into the idea that Reid was a bad person. He was always a good person who dedicated his life to helping others and saving lives, then he just so happened to fall in love with his patients ex boyfriend.

    1. He was manipulative. He came between Luke and Noah....tried to keep them apart to get into Lukes jeans....

  18. Robert,
    All Reid lovers do not hate Noah. That being said, we do realize the show is to blame. The way this s/l has been handled is horrific. From the Executive Producer giving an interview six weeks before the end laying out all of the s/l's to the writers thinking that killing off Reid and shipping Noah of to California is the best way to help Luke grow up. It is truly sad that the gay characters are the one's with the tragic endings. Not just sad, but shameful!

    1. One gay character had a tragic ending. One is living his dream, waiting for his other dream to arrive, and said dream is gonna get his life in order and go to LA.

  19. Robert, Reid did not ignore or insult Luke all the time - no idea where you are getting that. He was definitely on the acerbic end of things but then Luke has that side to him too, and they both seemed to like that about each other.

    Reid was constantly coming over to Luke's house and hanging out, so for you to say that he ignored him is bizarre.

    But I do agree with you that it is the show and the writers that are to blame for making the gay characters have so much dumb shit happen to them in the name of not offending middle America.

  20. I don't think I have ever read ANYONE blame Noah for "constantly desexualizing and censoring the gay characters to make sure they're never happy?" LOL. Everyone knows why homosexuals are treated the way they are on this show. Noah was disliked because, well, he is Noah. He appealed to his fans no matter but the show was quite clear about who Noah was- they decided to play him (when they DID play him) for well over a year now in an unfavorable light. That is another fault of the writers if it was not intentional and to some extent the actor.

    1. Actors act. And Noah came across as a victim in this. He was BLIND and had a skull fracture....that stuff hurts....Luke came across as needy and clingy...they BOTH misbehaved.
      The whole last 9 months revisionist try to paint Luke as a saint, but he made Tons of dumb mistakes...and ANY blame on an ACTOR is outrageous. Actors act, they don't write their parts....they are employees hired for a job....this anti-Jake stuff is as petty and ridiculous as it gets.

  21. I get what you're trying to say Robert, but Luke and Reid are happy. Yes they took away the sex, but they have shown Luke and Reid to be happy and in love. Reid never treated Luke as horridly as Noah did. At least we never got the chance to and that's something I'm grateful for.

    1. Utterly false. Reid was nasty to Luke constantly...and where is the evidence of this love? Because I can show you 3 years of Luke and Noah loving each other to an insane degree...they don't stand 5 feet apart...they always have their hands on each other.

      Reid in a plot point for the Hughes arc...Luke was used to keep him in Oakdale...there was never any filmed evidence of some epic L/R romance...Reid is yet another test of the Luke and Noah love story...and after Reid, they will endure...together....

  22. So true Loo! Noah was disliked for how he treated Luke. Noah said yesterday that he wanted Luke to pay for his pain. Reid never ignored Luke or treated him half as bad as Noah did. Thank gawd we will never see that either.

    1. More nonsense. Watch the show from 2007 on...

  23. Robert, please try to keep your bitterness in check. Also, for your diminishing sanity, I suggest that you don't read any of Van's most recent SOD/SOW interviews, because yet again, "He doesn't know how to give good interview." according to your pals SarahC and Epstein.

    1. Soap actors in these interviews always tow the company line.

  24. How ironic that Luke gets to be next to Reid while he's in a hospital bed when Reid wouldn't even let Luke come for hosptial visits to support Noah while he was blind.

    If there were any justice in this world, Reid would get a doctor who wouldn't let Luke visit with him in his hour of need. On top of that, the doctor should constantly tell Reid that he's not going to do surgery to save his life so he will know how it feels to hear a doctor say those crushing words over and over while you're most vulnerable.

    Oh, and let's have Reid's doctor try to get a devastated Luke into bed. If he can dish it out, he should be able to take it, right?

    Maybe Luke can feed Reid his last meal with that silver spoon Reid told Luke to choke on. And his pet name for Luke, "idiot" can be tattooed on his chest to honor his memory.

    Lastly, bring back all those nurses Reid made cry and that poor woman who was suffering from a brain tumor that Reid mocked to see what's become of him. It would be good to see the shoes on the other foot for once.

    Adios Reid. You treated people like something a person would scrape off the bottom of their shoe, yet you are the hero. You're not going to be missed at all by me.

  25. andy, you're delusional. Wonder if it's the same guy as Lukevanfan?

    1. Jennifer, the girl who was apparently watching a different program

  26. Oh Luke...Reid...I knew this was coming, but to see this just breaks my heart. How is it fair that the only ones to not get a happy ending are the gay couple that was the most stable and sane and made sense? I've watched the show for all my life, ever since I was a wee little thing. Some storylines I didn't like, sure, but the show never pulled something this lame. Instead of something hopeful, we've got death in a beautiful, meaningful relationship while all the straight couples get happiness? Yeah, totally fair. Ugh. You can hate Reid or love him--personally, I think he's the most refreshing character I've seen in a long time, and I adore him--but this storyline...just sucks all around. Luke gets a shoddy storyline and to lose the man he's fallen head over heels for, Reid gets to die, and Noah gets sloppy seconds? Even Nuke fans can't be happy about that. I'm disappointed to see my favorite show end this way, when there could've been so many other alternatives that didn't involve running over characters we've come to love. It leaves me with a bitter taste, which already was there with the cancellation of the soap I've grown up with. It's a shame to go out this way.

    1. Actually, Reid was the second choice. Let's remember that Noah rejected Luke at Yo's after Luke tried to reconcile. Luke went to Reid, who slammed the door in his face, but thene they started hanging around each other....Reid was ALWAYS THE SECOND CHOICE.
      Noah, the forever choice.

  27. @Jennifer - Oh yes, Andy is the same as LukeVanFan. Only he could be that hateful and nasty about a fictional character. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but only the self-righteous lay out hateful diatribes like this.

    1. Say the ones who say nasty things about Noah...
      Andy did more for this whole thing than anyone.
      If not for him people all these years later couldn't become NEW fans...and become involved in old battles.
      Regardless of your regard for Reid he was...WAS another relationship obstacle character...a la Ameera...or, the wheelchair. P E R I O D.

  28. This knocks the wind out of me. How the show could do this to all the Reid and Luke fans. This is cruel and painful to us. I have watched this show for 4 decades. Since infancy I have watched this show and I have loved the cast and characters forever. This show has the best cast in the business, the most beautiful fans and we all don't deserve this cruelty. And to know this is really a lame attack on the gay characters and fans - well, this is sickening.
    Luke Snyder is the soft, warm, loving and realistic heart of this show. Reid Oliver is the most dear character to grace our screens in decades. To slaughter Reid to prop a useless character and appease a fraction of the audience is nasty as hell. To write a tragedy for the most realistic, open and proud gay men is homophobia hiding behind "melodrama..........."
    My eternal gratitude to Van Hansis and Eric Sheffer Stevens for their perfect portrayal of our beloved Luke and Reid. Their talent is unsurpassed.
    But shame on the producers and writers of ATWT for undoing all the progress they had achieved and ending this beloved show on a cruel, cowardly and bitter note.
    We gave PGP a good chunk of our lives and to be treated like this is shameful.

    1. Reid is dear?
      I see an unethical, cruel maipulative jerk.

  29. @traci - LukeVanFan has been uploading your precious Luke and Reid story to YouTube so I don't see what the problem is.
    @Dee Ann - Noah won't be getting "sloppy seconds" because Luke and Reid don't have sex.

    This just in--ATWT treats gay characters like crap! Film at 11. Meanwhile, the Luke and Noah fans have known this for years.

  30. That's a heck of a lot of drama to avoid showing two gay men having sex. Really sad that my 20+ year relationship with this show ends on such a sour note. Doug Marland is probably turning in his grave, God rest his soul.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @Andy(LukeVanFan)it makes me wonder if you are really a Luke Snyder/Van Hansis fan? You take being an asshat to a whole new level.
    To write what you write about a fictional character is so telling about what kind of person you really are, & you even had to disable your comments on your YT channel because of your rants. It shows you the levels of class between the hardcore Nuke & Lure fans, every Lure fan wants all 3 to be happy & ALIVE.

    1. That's odd, cause most Reid people attack Jake....who is an actor...a person....insane.

  33. Luke has already suffered enough in his young life. There is no reason to kill Reid and leave Luke heartbroken. For Luke, a young gay man, to not get his happy ending is an insult to the character and to Luke’s fans. Nancy’s death was enough sadness for the end of the show. No wonder it was cancelled. The powers that be have no clue what the fans want.

    1. His happy ending is in L.A. AND he will get it.

  34. Anonymous11:25 AM

    @Jennifer...what part is delusional...seems spot on to me.

  35. limeybird2 - so true! I would never, ever wish death on Noah and if he did die, I would not come over to a page showing him dying and bloodied to gloat. Andy and his minions are truly the slime of the earth!

  36. How can you give your loyal fans this sad - and totally unnecessary ending? Reid is the most interesting character atwt has ever had - and I've been watching since 1958! Luke and Reid have a love story of epic proportions - and not only did they not get to live happily ever after - but they never had time (due to this awful script) to share their love! You can at least fix that mistake before sending him off to die a senseless and tragic death. You have nothing to lose at this point ! So PLEASE at the very least, give them some quality alone time before the end

    1. An epic love story....never had time to share their love....which is it.....there was never an epic anything...nor was their supposed to be. Reid was Ameera...or, the Z twins...Reid was the wheelchair. A relationship obstacle for the true gay couple...

  37. I will never understand why it was decided to kill Reid.
    The show is coming to an end after 54 years and it ends with a ton of OTT drama. Anguish over Chris, Nancy's funeral and Luke losing Reid, right after he's finally managed to bid Noah farewell and realise his love for Reid. The show doesn't even have the decency to give Luke and Reid a moment of true happiness. What message are you giving here? Reid, ESS, Luke, Van Hansis, and the Luke/Reid love story have won the hearts of SO many, why can't you give us LOVE? Is that a way to thank your audience? Because this sure doesn't show any understanding of or respect for your audience and your most loved characters.

    1. Well, he never did bid Noah farewell....and Reid was a plot element for the Hughes s/l. They understood plenty.

  38. I will never understand why it was decided to kill Reid.
    The show is coming to an end after 54 years and it ends with a ton of OTT drama. Anguish over Chris, Nancy's funeral and Luke losing Reid, right after he's finally managed to bid Noah farewell and realise his love for Reid. The show doesn't even have the decency to give Luke and Reid a moment of true happiness. What message are you giving here? Reid, ESS, Luke, Van Hansis, and the Luke/Reid love story have won the hearts of SO many, why can't you give us LOVE? Is that a way to thank your audience? Because this sure doesn't show any understanding of or respect for your audience and your most loved characters.

  39. So.. Andy and Robert and his crew have to spread their bitterness and hate around? They have to come here to gloat about Reid's death? That's not just pathetic, it is truly, truly sad. And yet, I expect no less from them.

    That said, it is too bad the show chose to end it like this, even if it might make compelling drama.

  40. @Kay nobody that's a fan of Luke & Reid would go to lukevanfan's yt channel to read the venom "it" spews & to disable the comments so they don't have to read what people have to say about it is a coward who only want to say what they want to say & not anybody else has to say
    & no Noah won't be "sloppy seconds", he won't even be that. if you have watched the character of Luke even for a couple of months, which i watched being born on this show, then you know he has the biggest heart & he will NEVER forget how much he loved Reid.

    1. Reid fans are swimming in the venom they spew.
      Noah can't be sloppy seconds, cause Reid and Luke didn't do anything....and, Reid was the rebound/2nd choice...geeez even ESS wanted L&N back together....

  41. Thanks Anthony, for the kind words. You are a voice of reason amidst the madness, as always!

    You know, I really don't like the way the show is trying to make Reid a saint towards the end, I like him better as the complex, imperfect, yet highly lovable character he has been for quite some time. But obviously when the writers decided to crucify him they needed to go in that direction (puke). But since we are now seeing him in this rather Christ-like positioning, it seems somehow fitting that scumbags like Andy will scurry out from under their rocks to sling a little shit before it's all over.

  42. LOL!!!

    I am not sure what show Andy has been watching because one thing has been made crystal clear since Reid appeared on the show- he may have a mean mouth- but he is a competent and involved doctor and a decent man. The show has done almost everything it can to spell that out- and ultimately this character will go out a martyr. He is not nor was he ever a villain- if you have been watching the show the last 9 months and have come away with that belief.. well its sorta like insisting that Janet is not Italian. Go on and insist, but its pointless and kind of funny.

  43. I find it extremely interesting that the Reid fans posting here only attacked the show or the writing, with the occasional rant about a fictional character. Then we get some non-Reid fans turning up, who immediately begin attacking Reid fans.

    I know that not all Nuke fans are the same, just as all Lure fans are not the same. But you're really, really not helping yourselves.

    We should all be ranting about the show. Not about each other.

  44. So funny, Anthony, that you are calling Andy and Robert out for spreading around hate when you've been bad-mouthing Jake every chance you get for years, all the while stealing spoilers for your pathetic column and pretending like they are your own. Bottom line is, the show chose to kill Reid off, not Noah. There is no epic love with Luke/Red--they've been dating two weeks and no sex. Luke and Reid are a plot point to Reid's Redemption story. Luke and Noah are a love story tht played out over three years, and guess what, they'll be the couple left at the end. I don't feel sorry for the LuRers---your guy, a newbie, got his own s/l in the last hours of this show. So what if he's dead---so is the show!

  45. ATWT shows once again why they were cancelled. So, sadly no surprises here- just silent disappointment.

    ETA: Sad that the J-S crew have come here to spread the bitterness that they are famous for with their ring-leader Andy aka NoahJakeFan at the helm. One wonders what happened in your individual personal lives to make you so angry and bitter. Sad to see 20, 30 and over 40 year olds acting like immature brats. Stay classy J-S crew.

  46. @ampersand Do you really think it's fair to lump all of Jake Silbermann fans together and call them "classy"? I've always been respectful when it comes to Reid even if I don't like him. You shouldn't lump us all in one category.

  47. @jakelover
    I should be clearer. When I say 'J-S crew', by no means am I referring to all Jake Silbermann fans. I am also a Jake Silbermann fan and I have friends who are Nuke fans. My J-S statement to the good folks at who on a daily basis post the most bitter and evil things. They know who they are.
    So apologies if my statement was misunderstood.

  48. It's a shame that the few Noah fans who have posted have shown themselves to be hateful & bitter & have aligned themselves with the homophobic elements still out there. They actually celebrate the fact that the couple doesn't get to have sex, when really that has everything to do with ATWT catering to bigotry & very little to do with this fictional couple. Luke & Reid are a couple in love & ATWT rather than have them express that love, have chosen to block them with ridiculous items like baby rattles & ultimately a train crash. It's telling that none of the 3 gay characters gets a happy ending. The anger should be directed at the writers who catered to the lowest elements in their audiences & who also didn't even bother to try to write a cohesive storyline at the end. It's a soap, not a greek tragedy. I'm shocked these people, like Jean Passanante & Chris Goutman actually have gotten jobs after presenting this travesty. Now that's a reason to hate.

    1. Gee, I'm gay, so, sorry. Argument lost. Besides, Luke and Noah had tons of sex....out of body sex....Luke didnt have sex with Reid because of NOAH. Luke and Reid didn't progress because that's not the story.

  49. Look everyone

    The show was never invested in Noah and thas Sad

    I never became a fan of Nuke and loved Luke with Reid

    To Kill Reid Sucks and didnt need to happen

    Chris Hughes should either of dropped dead or got a heart from someone else like Damien

  50. @ ampersand, thanks for clearing that up.

  51. I'm trying to make sense out of something that can't ever make any sense. There was already so much sadness with the ending of the show and the passing of Nancy. Was it necessary to add more? Why devestate one group of fans?
    I know Eric and Van are going to give stellar performances but sadly all the LuRe/Reid fans are seeing is that our couple is the only one that didn't get a happy ending.

  52. Geeze Andy have you not been watching your own videos? No offense, but really? How has Reid treated anyone like crap? Reid has done nothing but try to help Noah. Now he's done nothing but help Chris at his own personal and professional expense. Now is getting nothing but crapped on by Katie, Bob, Kim, John, and Luke. Reid's worst sin is that he fell in love with Luke. I really wish you Noah and Nuke fans would be more objective. Just because one can be a bit obnoxious doesn't make one a bad person.

  53. Bellvue I believe you have got Luke and Reid mixed up with Katie and Chris. Luke and Reid started a relationship in June. Katie and Chris are the ones who have been together for 2 weeks. Reid did not need to be redeemed as he was never anything but a little rude. The rest of the town are complete hypocrites. Luke and Noah will not be a couple when all is said and done. Luke will be too busy mourning for the man he loves. When all is said and done, Noah is not anything but Luke's second choice. There is nothing romantic about that.

    1. Please watch again. Reid was 2nd. It's on tape...Reid was a test of the Luke Noah relationship...they will now realize that time in finite...I mean, hey, they've already forgiven each other...their relationship will endure....

  54. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Those of you that worship Reid and look up to him as some kind of great man? Well, I'm really glad I don't know you in real life.

    I will say, I think the show's writing sucks and that this ending is a total cop-out.

  55. That hurts red. Truly. :-)

    Oh well. Lets see. Dude A- snarky jerk on the surface- but has devoted his very existence to helping people and saving lives.. to the point that it costs him his own. Dude B- college kid who is apparently spending all his time brooding over being an ass and his ex moving on with his life.

    Yeah, I can definitely see how my preference for Dude A says something damning and dark about my personal character. LOL. Seriously, is there a reason certain Noah fans simply cannot keep their hatred for what the show did to Noah from bleeding over and becoming hatred for other fans of the show? Please grow up.

  56. Anonymous5:15 PM


    I don't recall saying I was a Noah fan. So GTFO yourself. I think Reid is crass, rude and a terrible doctor. Period.

  57. You have crass and rude covered red. Not a fan of Noah? LOL. Certainly I apologize if that assumption offended. I know if I were a Noah fan I would be happy that you don't claim that association.

  58. Love Reid so much, I'm sad to see him killed and sad to see how devastating this will be to Luke. They were ATWT's perfect couple. Perfect for each other in every way. P&G should be ashamed about the way they treated this couple and ended their story.

    P.S. Sad to see that all the bitter Noah fans can't let Reid fans mourn for the loss of our favorite character.

    1. Perfect couple? Really? Where is the filmed evidence of this? Luke and Noah will always remain the gay supercouple....

  59. What an insanely bad last-minute plot twist from the ATWT writers! When Luke has found new happiness in his relationship with Reid, the writers had to do a sharp U-turn just to open up the possibility of a Nuke rehash. If it didn't work after three years, it ain't gonna work in the ever after... unless Noah gets a personality transplant. But of course, the writers are saved from dealing with that after cancellation. Fade to black, indeed, to mourn the mess made of 3 pioneering characters: Luke, Noah and Reid.

    1. Last minute? It's the pinnacle of the CH story...

  60. SHAME on you incompetent ATWT writers!! This is totally unecessary to sacrifice a highly popular and well rooted character of Dr. Reid Oliver. It is very pathetic and its not even worth watching the ending now.

    Oh, my poor Luke why does your character have to endure the most tragedies throughout your life!

    Even a Nuke ending would not satisfy me now!

  61. Thank you for posting the picture I hope to get one from 9/16 with Luke and Noah.

    Thank you again from
    NUKE fans forever...

  62. Utterly, utterly disappointed in this ending to the storyline and the show. Rather than focusing on Nancy's death as the sad end of ATWT, balanced with hopeful endings for the other legacy characters, the powers that be have chosen to pile on tragedy, senseless waste of potential, and frankly irrational story choices.

    No transplant organ would be handed over in a coleman cooler to someone just because he's got MD after his name. Beyond that, gay men aren't allowed to be organ donors in the US! (Which I think is wrong, but that's beside the point when it comes to the storyline.)

    Chris's insistence on ignoring his health issues and hiding the truth from his family has caused the situation to be as dire as it is, and made him a truly unlikeable character.

    Spending so much focus on TALKING about sex but never following through breaks the first rule of screenwriting - if you show a gun in the first act, you'd d**n well better use it by the last act.

    And last but not least, this ending leaves the viewers with a horrible message to carry with them: if you're straight, no matter how underhanded/deceitful/nasty, you'll get your happy ending - but if you're gay, you'll end up dead or alone.

    Lovely message, PGP and ATWT. Way to undo everything good you've ever accomplished by establishing the "groundbreaking" gay legacy character of Luke Snyder. You've made it impossible for many, many viewers to properly grieve the ending of this long-running show because of the bitterness and anger over this horrible ending to a beloved storyline.

  63. May I please just address one piece of misinformation that has been making its way across the internet as it relates to this story? In the US, gay men absolutely CAN donate their is up to the transplant hospital to define who is too high risk. Gay men CANNOT donate tissue or blood.

    That being said...this story is breaking my heart. I fail to see any reason why it was necessary to end this show on such a note. Aside from the obvious homophobia that has been running rampant throughout this storyline, it is just plain cruel to string the viewers along, coaxing them into believing in this wonderful love story, only to have the characters become collateral damage for another couple with no chemistry or long-term believability.

    I've watched this show since I was small enough to sit in my grandmother's lap and having it go out like this is such a colossal disappointment.

  64. seeing this pic totally devastated me. i knew this was coming, have known for weeks,thanks to mr. goutman, but to see it here and then to see the preview clip has pretty much broken me. reid and luke do not deserve this. we do not deserve this. they are the best couple to hit daytime,not just atwt,in years. it is so unnecessary. with the show ending everyone should get their hea, and everyone does,except for the gay characters. that is a great message the show is putting out there. the only reason i can see for this is for emmy consideration for van and eric. we know they will hit it out of the park. it is small consolation tho. also by doing this they take something away from the death of nancy hughes as played by helen wagner. she was the matriarch of the show and she deserved to be the only character mourned at the end. what the writers have done is just horrible. as we all know they really don't give a damn
    about the fans and what we want. this is a really terrible way to go out after 54 years.

  65. seeing this pic totally devastated me. i knew this was coming, have known for weeks,thanks to mr. goutman, but to see it here and then to see the preview clip has pretty much broken me. reid and luke do not deserve this. we do not deserve this. they are the best couple to hit daytime,not just atwt,in years. it is so unnecessary. with the show ending everyone should get their hea, and everyone does,except for the gay characters. that is a great message the show is putting out there. the only reason i can see for this is for emmy consideration for van and eric. we know they will hit it out of the park. it is small consolation tho. also by doing this they take something away from the death of nancy hughes as played by helen wagner. she was the matriarch of the show and she deserved to be the only character mourned at the end of the show. what the writers have done is just horrible. as we all know they really don't give a damn
    about the fans and what we want.

  66. Thanks for the picture. I hope you'll have a new Luke and Noah picture up soon!

  67. OMG! I'm going to cry all next week. This is too much to take!

  68. Cmon its great drama and Reids death is classic ATWT! Frankly I dont know how you can say ATWT is homophobic. As a gay man I think its done a great job portraying realistic gay characters.. granted they could kiss a lot more on screen but cmon.. its daytime. Step by step. What a great way to end the show!!

  69. For the record I'm Nuke fans, and I'm GLAD that this show was cancelled, Luke & Noah fans that fight against Luke & Ried fans make no sense at all, at this point.
    Writers/production treat Ried bad, Like FOR YEARS write Noah senseless.
    For this reason make me "hate" Ried because was always on while the Noah's character was like always missing.
    Jake is a wonderful actor and simply they put him on a corner, and this is a shame.
    And now they write this just because, they haven't the bravery to make a choice.
    Easy and simple
    All we deserve better

  70. As many of you have said, this is a HORRIBLE ending and it all goes back to Goutman and Passanante.

    My theory is that they just couldn't stand it that a character that Kreizman created was getting all the press and love from the fans. Their creation, Janet, was not a fan favorite and sucked up all the airtime. So to get their revenge, they kill Reid and give Janet her happy ending.

    Someone should start a campaign to stop other soaps from hiring these two. Passanate is already at OLTL, right? Rumor has it that is the next soap to go.....

    I've already created my own happy ending - Luke wakes up next to Reid telling him about a train wreck...

    Luke and Reid - the gay Kim and Bob!!

    1. According to Dr. Reid Oliver...Luke and Noah are the gay Bob and Kim, and will have a very long life together....he's right.

  71. Uh, they left TWO gay characters know, the gay supercouple....the ones who had sex and will grow old together...
