Friday, August 21, 2009


Anytime is a good time for Valentine's Day!

On February 14, 2008 in Oakdale, Holden ponders life without Lily, Margo and Tom trade courtroom barbs over Paul and Emily, Will and Gwen spend their first night together, Jack breaks up Carly's wedding, while Luke and Noah wonder what if their lives had taken different paths. Watch the entire episode right now on!

Meanwhile on the same day in Springfield, Reva protects Jonathan by exposing the truth about Beth and Alan's baby, Harley and Cyrus hide their relationship from Marina, and Cassie turns to a ghostly Tammy for advice. Watch Guiding Light on, here.


  1. Holmes and Dolan were outstanding in that Valentine episode. They hit that one out of the park!

  2. What a wonderful picture of Tom and Margo. Scott Holmes and Ellen Dolan were fantastic in this episode! I loved their banter, especially during the massage scene. Man, I wish we could see more of them as a couple instead of them being stuck reacting to their adult sons.

    Could you post a spoiler picture of them in the future?

  3. I loved Scott & Ellen's take on "Adam's Rib"!
