Monday, February 16, 2009


ATWT fans simply can not miss Monday's special Valentine's Day episode.

And to find out what Oakdale's biggest romantic, Henry Coleman, thinks about this love infested holiday, click here.

Henry, my myriad of devoted acolytes frequently come upon bended knee to ask: Henry, how is that you manage to be so urbane, witty, dashing and romantic all the while maintaining the illusion of keeping a day job? I’ll tell you – it isn’t easy.

But I am generous man, and in the spirit of Cupid’s namesake holiday, I will now share with you Henry Coleman’s Secrets of Romance.

Thus, in the future, if ever you should wonder, wonder who – who wrote the book of love… That would be me.

More from Henry, here.


  1. ATWT fans simply can not miss Monday's special Valentine's Day episode?

    Umm, yes they can! If it only has part of the cast. The part we already see ALL. THE. TIME. Why does Craig has 5 roles in this? Where is Nuke? Alison? Casey? Henry and Vienna? Holden and Lily? I will watch for Bob, Barbara and Margo, but I think it was a HUGE mistake to only feature a part of the cast in this.

  2. I'm looking forward to this as an escape from the trouble ridden couple stories we are getting now. Thanks for pic. I think the lion has a crush on Dorothy. :)

  3. I do think it was a huge mistake not to use more of the cast.

    However after seeing the sneak peek released Saturday you got my attention. It's great to see Carly and Jack flirting and happy again even if they are supposed to be the Blue Fairy and Geppetto. The scene was great and the actors seem to be having a blast with it. I hope all of the segments are that much fun.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Thank you for the picture. I love how ATWT leave us Nuke fans in the air They had Noah for 2 weeks or should say 2 shows talk about what he may get from Luke on Valentine's but they will only be on Thursday so in the air we will have to make some thing up our selves again that gets old.

  5. Yes fans can miss your horrible Valentine show! Why would I want to watch the Meg, Craig, & Dusty show as the special stand alone episode? I can see that any other day of the year! Why must Craig be featured in every 4-5 stories on this? Why is pukeworthy Meg featured in at least 3 stories? Knowing this show she is also in other stories as the writers for some reason thinks the show can't be on without pukey Meg shoved in our faces? Enough of the Meg, Craig, & Dusty show! Why isn't Henry, Vienna, Kim, Lily, Holden, Luke, Noah, Casey, Alison, Emily Faith, etc featured on the Valentine show? Sorry but I will NOT be watching your biased
    Valentine show!

  6. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I was ticked knowing that Nuke fans were going to get a Valentine's diss two years in row, but after seeing the episode I'm practically turning cartwheels that Luke and Noah weren’t on. That was abominably bad. It’s a good thing the show is sponsored by Lysol, cuz boy oh boy did that stink.

  7. I wish I HAD missed it. :( I really enjoyed the Victorian dollhouse Christmas special in 2007, and would've liked the Valentine's '08 episode if it featured a Nuke kiss...but today's episode was a let down. None of the couples that are truly in love were featured, and there was nothing romantic about the episode at all. This would've done better on April Fool's Day than Valentine's Day. Luke, Noah, Lily, Holden, Vienna, Henry, Brad, Katie? Hello!? I don't know what ATWT was thinking with this one.

  8. Forgot that Katie was featured...but sans Brad. And Bob and Margo...sans Kim and Tom.


  9. I agree. I wish I had missed it. That was just awful.

  10. On top of the biased showcasing of executives' current favorites, the episode had nothing to do with love. February 14 is not Halloween.
