Friday, February 27, 2009


Yesterday, within minutes of each other, I received two different As The World Turns reader requests.

One for a spoiler photo of Paul and Emily...

And one for a pic of Luke and Noah.


(Obviously arms and their myriads of uses is a big upcoming theme of the show... On another note, anyone wonder why Noah has to wear a suit and tie to come to work while Luke gets away with jeans and a hoodie? Oh, wait, I remember -- Luke's the boss. He can do whatever he wants. And people say soaps aren't realistic!)


  1. Are Paul and Emily on Dusty's floor (at the Lakeview)? Paul looks like he could kill and Emily seems to be trying to stop him. LOL

  2. Yay! Finally a Luke and Noah pic! And Emily, too! I'll just close one eye to block out Paul :-)

  3. Thanks for the Luke and Noah pic!

  4. Paul is probably pissed because the hooker Emily recommended didn't do the trick. Pun intended.

  5. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I would like to thank you for the picture of Luke and Noah I hope you can post any of Mark with Luke and Noah and even Kevin.
    Thank you

  6. I would like to see a Jack/Janet spoiler pic please.

    Noah looks great in a suit!

  7. Thank you very much for posting the Luke and Noah spoiler pic.

    Now I'm curious as to what the scene being depicted is.

  8. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Late to ask but do you have any picturs of Luke and Noah on the jumped off that bridge or even behind seen.
    Thank you I hope we get more of Luke and Noah with the story coming up.

  9. Thanks for a Paul/Em pic. We need A LOT more of them TOGETHER on ATWT. They just fit like a glove and make for great drama.

  10. WOOHOO! Paul and Emily in scenes means this show is back on my TIVO! It's about time!
