Thursday, January 08, 2009


It’s “Singing Down the House — Brain Lane Green and Johnny Rodgers in Concert,” Jan. 16 and 17, a show done in a cabaret-style setting.

These guys have resumes and experience that may exceed their status as celebrities, but that won’t last long.

Brian Lane Green has a Tony Award nomination from his work on Broadway, where he appeared in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” among other shows.

TV soap opera fans may recognize him from roles on “Days of Our Lives,” “Another World” and “All My Children.”

Entire listing, here.

On Another World, Brian played the role of Sam Fowler, Mitch's brother, Amanda's ex, and Alli's dad from 1991 to 1993.

In the episodes of AW currently airing on, Sam and Amanda have just spent the night together and decided to reunite.

But there's a problem (are you surprised?): Sam's girlfriend, Olivia (the one who convinced him to divorce Amanda in the first place -- to be fair, Amanda did cheat on Sam; men don't like that), has suffered a dancing injury that she claims has left her unable to walk. No self-respecting guy would walk out on his paralyzed lover, would he?

Sam and Amanda were the classic soap opera airing -- they couldn't seem to live with or without each other. The couple met when Amanda returned to Bay City from boarding school and went to work at Cory Publishing. Not wanting to be seen as the boss' daughter, she lied about her name and shamelessly flirted with the hot, though needlessly taciturn and aloof new graphic artist in her department. (Sam was also Amanda's brother Matthew's biological uncle -- but Amanda didn't know that.) Amanda thought Sam was a challenge. He thought she was a spoiled brat.

He got over it. But not before he learned who Amanda really was. It was, however, too late. The young couple was in love, and there was nothing a furious Sam could do but, frankly, get over it.

When Amanda became pregnant, she ran off to New York for an abortion. But Sam found her and convinced Amanda of his love.

They married and became parents a few months later.

Their first divorce came within a year of their daughter's birth.

Yes. I said first divorce.

The episodes currently running on aren't they beginning and they aren't the end. They are that best of all soapy goodness -- the messy, complicated, exasperating and romantic middle.

Check it out, here!

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