Monday, October 06, 2008


As a girl, Tracey Smeltzer regularly watched the daytime soap opera "Guiding Light." .... Smeltzer now helps to run (Beth) Chamberlin's official fan club Web site and has been hired to help get Chamberlin's storefront off the ground, where she promotes a fitness DVD.

"It's funny, I think of Tracey so much as a friend," Chamberlin wrote in an e-mail. "And because we rarely talk about the show, that word 'fan' doesn't really seem appropriate for our relationship. I would describe her as a friend who watches 'Guiding Light.'

"I believe that someone like Tracey, who can combine her knowledge of the Web with her knowledge of the show, is much more able to capture what is important to me and to my fans than any design company."

"My husband and I are so grateful our paths crossed with her," Chamberlin said. "Yes, she started off working on my fan site, but we have since hired her to work on, our business site, as well. Tracey is someone whose work ethic, attention to detail and ability to get things done quickly make her an asset to any team."

For more on how this fan turned her love of GL into a job, click here.

For more on Beth's business, click here.

And just for fun, caption the photo of Beth and Alan above!


  1. Wow! Thanks! When I checked in here today I certainly didn't expect to see my name!

  2. Caption:
    Well Beth I love you THIS Much!
