Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Dinah Marler (Gina Tognoni) may have had a lot of turmoil in her personal life lately. (Then again, who in Springfield hasn't?)

But -- let's be honest -- the outfits she's picked to compliment the angst have been to die for.

What will Dinah wear next? Tune into GL and find out!


  1. At least Dinah wears clothes that contribute to the character (unlike a certain "Shayne").

    I guess "clothes watching" is better than GL watching.

  2. A beautiful actress with a pitiful story...

  3. Get her away from that murderer.

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    So GL has Dinah shagging a grotesque, murderous pig and we're supposed to tune in to see what she'll be wearing the next time that scumball slobbers all over her?! WTH?!

    Here's a wacky idea: why not write some like, you know, actual stories people might want to watch instead of hoping and praying that one character's wardrobe will get people to tune into this sick, Bizarro-world Springfield where a rapist can marry and knock up one of his victim's sisters, a sleazy murderer-for-hire can get laid a thousand times more than the decent, upstanding chief-of-police, and every woman is so pathetic, so desperate for a man that she'll settle for a vile, woman-hating criminal, a jerk who treats her like dirt, or her own godfather who changed her diapers when she was a baby and might as well be a clone of her dad.
