Thursday, September 04, 2008


Will Grady at long last pay for his crimes?

Find out next week, only on Guiding Light!


  1. Who cares if Grady pays for his crimes? Let's just keep him on GL as the not so sexy Aussie who wants to bed every thing that wears a skirt.


  2. Will Grady at long last pay for his crimes?

    Are you kidding? Mallet and Marina are ridiculous. Grady should be deported back in Australia and serve his time for murder over there...

    This blog a joke.

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Of course he won't pay for anything, even though he deserves a lethal injection for what he did. And if he were, by some miracle, actually taken down it wouldn't be by PippiLongstocking and Lurch of all people.

  4. Of course he won't pay, he is God's gift (or Wheeler's) to Springfield. And can someone please get that little munchkin twit named Marina away from Mallet, I'm sick to death of her being in every scene he is in. I don't care what they are in real life, she makes me sick!

  5. Did Mallet punch Grady or something? haha. Marina with the pepper spray. Again. I love Mallet with Marina. :D

  6. i love the grit and realism grady brings to the show. he gets everyone hot under the collar in more ways than one. looking forward to him throwing down with mallet and finding someone in town to steam up the screen with.
