Wednesday, November 28, 2007


"The theatre where you perform live is itself a spiritual experience," agrees Mart Hulswit, an actor for more than 30 years (including 12 on TV's Guiding Light) who is now executive director of the Episcopal Actors' Guild of America. "If you're performing before 2,000 people eight times a week in a fine play, you can feel the spiritualism."

More, here.


  1. FYI: I "think" his name is MARK, not Mart. :)

  2. Nope, it's Mart. I used to watch when he played Ed, and as far as I'm concerned, he's the REAL Ed Bauer. He needs to come back and reprise the role.

  3. manifan is correct--I used to watch "GL" when it was "TGL," and it is "Mart."

    I tend to agree that Hulswit made the role of "Ed Bauer" his own, although Peter Simon played him nearly as long.

    But I also watched "TGL" when Robert Gentry was "Dr William Edward Bauer, Jr." (some people forget this too, that "Ed" is really "Bill Bauer, Jr.") and thought he did a fine job.

    I was actually disappointed when Hulswit first replaced Gentry. I have read that, oddly enough, after a 30-year absence, Gentry returned to play "Ed" for about a year around 1996.

    But I got so used to Hulswit in the role that after awhile things were settled--Don Stewart was "Mike Bauer" (and I'd seen at least two "Mikes" before Stewart) and Hulswit was "Ed." Case closed, as "Archie Bunker" used to say.

    And, as manifan said of Hulswit, I feel about Peter Simon--that Simon was the "REAL Scott Phillips" on "Search For Tomorrow."

    But what it really usually comes down to is this--one tends to accept the actor in the role that one first sees play it. It's that way with pop songs too, that even when one artist records a new version or "cover" of a song, one tends to like the version of the song one heard first--even if that version, sometimes, isn't the original.

    Case in point--I heard The Byrds' version of "Mr. Tambourine Man" before that of the song's composer, Bob Dylan. Now in that case, Dylan obviously recorded the song before The Byrds, but The Byrds' version was a hit on the radio while Dylan's was not. So even after finally hearing Dylan's version, I'd already grown used to The Byrds' cover.

    But honestly, in that case, aesthetically, most persons would agree The Byrds really took that song and made something better of it, as is the case with most Dylan tunes--that they are better sung by other artists, with the exception of "Like A Rolling Stone," which is all Dylan's!

    So, to conclude, soap fans prefer the actor who, to them, is the "original" of a character, not a "cover version" of a soap character. That's the best analogy I can think of. In any case, I think it makes the point.

  4. I loved Guiding Light. My mother got me hooked on this show. I loved Mart as "Ed". I miss this soap.
