Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Back in July, a tongue-in-cheek piece of "journalism" made the web rounds pronouncing:

It’s the longest-running show in broadcast history, now “Guiding Light” is finally releasing a DVD box set which features 4000 DVDS filled with nearly 16,000 episodes and special features including bloopers and deleted scenes. The DVD retails for $5,999 and is expected to be a big hit with soap opera enthusiasts.

Despite details like:

The DVD box set includes an actual piece of the “Guiding Light” set, a 15-foot wall panel from one of the homes of the Santos mob dynasty on the show. The complete DVD collection, including the wall panel, weights 213 lbs. “I thought I was getting a deal by spending over six thousand dollars on the DVDs,” said Stuart Reese. “But then the shipping costs about $950. I wasn’t prepared for that, but I really want this collection.” Ellen Wheeler, the executive producer, said, “Each episode on the DVD collection features special commentary from our actors. I’m talking about every single actor that has appeared on the show, including the people behind The Bauers, Spauldings, Lewises, and the Coopers. Even the actors who have died were able to record commentary as we knew that, one day, an invention such as DVDs would allow the use of their commentaries.”

A few fans still didn't get the joke, flooding message boards with angry e-mails about the box set's high price and "ridiculous" shipping costs.

While a 213 lb. GL box set is currently unavailable for purchase (sorry), what it is available in its entirety for P&G soap fans is the complete 617 episode run of the early 80s Another World spin-off, Texas.

See the baby versions of Kin Shriner, Catherine Hickland, Harley Jane Kozak, David Forsythe, Terri Garber, Jay Hammer, Christopher Goutman, James Rebhorn, the late Benjamin Hendrickson and, of course, Texas' grand dame, Beverlee McKinsey, right now, only on the AOL/PGP Classic Soaps Channel!


  1. All 617 episodes are not up yet at AOL.
    So far,142 episodes are available.

  2. And not even quite that; there's at least one missing episode and one episode that's posted twice under two different episode numbers.

  3. A web site is advertising the complete series of Texas on DVD. Is this offer legitimate? One person posting on a Texas fan board indicated they were ripped off in trying to order this product. Thanks for looking into this site.


  4. June 5, 2008

    The DVD set mentioned in one of my earlier posts turned out to be a fraud. Some fans warned me to steer clear.

    Since this blog entry was posted in September 2007, the first 163 episodes of Texas have been removed from AOL Television. I understand the earlier episodes of Another World, Edge of Night and Search for Tomorrow have also been taken down.

    Would it be possible to reinstate all of the material you have kindly made available to date? The AOL viewer is extremely "unfriendly" and may have served to turn-off the long-time Procter and Gamble fans you want to connect with on-line.

    Perhaps You Tube would be a better outlet for your materials. Here is a sample of how the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is making its classic Oscar clips available on-line:

