Wednesday, September 19, 2007


When Terri Colombino (then Conn) joined the cast of As The World Turns in 1998, she was a character in search of a story.

TPTB had been so impressed with Terri's audition for the role of Georgia (not so impressed that they actually gave her the part, but impressed nonetheless), that they hurriedly aged the character of Katie Peretti (born on-screen in 1989 and played for five years by the real-life daughter of TV mom Anne Sward).

It was only after Katie was already airing that they began looking for something for her to do.

First, Katie fell for Eddie, then into a lackluster triangle with Chris Hughes (whom she accused of stalking her). It wasn't until Katie hooked up with one Henry Coleman to advance her career that her character acquired some motivation to go with her generally bitchy attitude. And when, Halloween Eve 2000, a drunk Katie lost her virginity to an even drunker Simon Frasier, that's when Ms. Peretti really found her place in Oakdale.

Since then, Katie's wed Simon (several times), Henry and Mike. But she also seemed somewhat stuck in time. For the first few years of the 21st Century, Katie had clearly outgrown the teen set, but didn't seem quite ready to join the grown-ups, either.

All that changed when, smarting from their respective betrayals by Simon and Carly, Katie and Jack Snyder fell in love.

Jack was Katie's first adult relationship. And he made Katie an adult, as well.

Now, as Jack's ex-wife faces the fight of her life, will Katie manage to remain adult about the tragedy -- or will she revert to type and resort to childish tricks to hold on to Jack's attention?

Find out this Fall, only on ATWT!


  1. Please Katie an adult??? NO WAY!! An adult would not accuse Carly of stalking her at the model apartment or following her to the dress shop. She would not make Carly making Sage's dress all about herself. It is obviously a peace offering on Carly's part, and Katie is too immature to see that. I hope Jack leaves her at the alter and runs to Carly's side.

  2. A bride-to-be thinking her wedding should be all about her? Imagine that! ;)

    Thanks for posting such a wonderful article about Katie. She's been one of my favorites for a very long time, but I've come to love her even more this year. I truly believe Jack's love gave her the foundation she needed to become the woman she was always meant to be. I've really enjoyed watching her grow. I hope the changes in her will stick, regardless of what problems come her way this fall. I'll definitely be tuning in to find out.

  3. If Katie's so immature then why did she let Carly make Sage's dress?????

    And, how mature was it for Carly to go after Jack when he's not hers anymore and for disrupting Jack and Katie's engagement party? Jack did leave Carly because of her stunts. On the other hand, Katie hasn't pulled anything during her relationship with Jack.

    I love the new headshot of Terri, but I hope this blog also posts pictures of Jack and Katie's wedding.

  4. Katie has indeed grown up the past year, and I do believe it has to do with her relationship with Jack. Just like she said yesterday, it's not Jack who's that different from Mike, it's Katie who's that different from Katie. She didn't have a healthy relationshio with either Simon,Mike or Henry. With Jack's she's been open and honest, with Mike she never really was.

    I can understand people for not liking her, but I can't understand people telling Carly's that much better...IMO Carly's list is hell of a lot longer than Katie's, and no I don't care what the reasons were.

    I hope to see some of Jack/Katie's wedding pics too.

    LOVE Jatie.

  5. I have enjoyed every minute of the Jack and Katie SL. These two sizzle. I am so happy to see Jack happy for a change.

  6. I'm glad someone has finally acknowledged how much Katie has matured since she's been with Jack. I love the Jack & Katie love story. I hope it continues for a long time.

  7. Lest we forget, she also bent over backwards to steal Holden from Lily and conspired to poison Molly.

  8. I don't think Katie has grown up at all. I think she's still the immature brat she always was. She freaked out just because Jack wanted to take her an island on her honeymoon just because of Simon? She needs to get over it.

  9. It’s such a refreshing change to see someone acknowledge the tremendous amount of growth Katie has had this year! The writers, as well as TC’s portrayal of the character, have made me believe Katie is now strong enough to deal with any problems she may face without having to resort to her “old self” to do it. I think Katie gets a lot of strength from Jack (and vice versa!), but I hope that part of her character doesn’t change if things don’t work out for them. I have my fingers crossed that we never have to worry about that though. ;)

    I’m not sure how or when it happened, but Jack and Katie have become one of my all-time favorite soap couples. I know they have problems to face, but I really think they have what it takes to make it in the long run. I hope so anyway.

  10. I've been watching ATWT for 20 years and Katie is my all-time favorite character and it is all due to the wonderful talent of Terri Colombino.

  11. I want to be clear I have no ill feelings toward Terri Colombino, I just do not agree that Katie has matured. The test will be this week when Jack runs to Carly after the wedding.
