Wednesday, October 18, 2006


On Wednesday, October 25, 2006, Guiding Light's terminally ill Reva prepares to say good-bye to her loved ones. Without letting them know she's saying good-bye.

So Reva, being Reva, resolves to throw the most kick-ass party Springfield has ever seen and to give them all -- family, friends, judgmental busybodies -- something to remember her by.

Her father, Hawk (Gil Rogers), and brother Rusty (Terrell Anthony), stop by for the occasion.

And the PGP Classic Soap Blog will have a new photo spoiler up every day this week heading towards the big blow-out -- so make sure you check in regularly.

After all, don't you want to know what a nothing-to-lose Reva has planned for Jonathan... and for Josh and Cassie?

1 comment:

  1. Is there any chance that we can get more pictures of Gil Roger's appearence? He is such an amazing actor. I am sure most people remember him from his memorable run on All My Children from 1977-79, 82, 93, 94.

    I think it is ironic too that Terrell Anthony stars as his son on GL, seeing how he played Ray's son Tad Gardner Martin on All My Children in 1991.
